bucky barnes x reader he ignores youmark herrmann actor age

bucky barnes x reader he ignores you

He held your body so tight against his that you thought the force would crush your bones. Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader Word Count: 2724. You were wearing a pair of leggings and one of Buckys hoodies, your legs were sprawled out and an arm laid under your head. I know you think he is attractive.. Was it a big deal to get something to drink in the middle of the night? At the last moment, he looked up and smirked. He couldnt wait to hear his name roll off your angelic voice, while you couldnt wait to go lock yourself in a room by yourself and dance around saying his name and giggling widely. The texts came in too fast for Bucky to make sense of what they were even about. It was like he felt nervous being near you, and Bucky was not the type of guy who got nervous around a girl. You wanted to be ready for diving into this head first. Request: Nothing out of the ordinary, now if you excuse me- You were cut off when he suddenly ran in front of you, you covered your face with both arms and looked downward. He said in complete and total seriousness. Your legs swung in a swift motion as you talked quickly to Steve. Y/Ns mission so far had never required much interaction with the young nuclear weapons entrepreneur she was tracking. You gotta start watching out for yourself the way I look out for you, Y/n. Im moving my body. You bent down and touched your toes, before springing upwards a crossing your arms over your body quickly. and its just general fluff and humor? When you heard your phone go off, you jumped and yelped in happiness. It actually seemed to be growing into a larger problem. Normally the whole tower was always loud, something was always happening and messes were constantly being made. And for some reason. Coming, you call out and walk to the door, taking a look through the fish eye. It was a very first time when Bucky admitted that he made a mistake. We go hard or we go home! Even though it hurts, I need to do it.. Youd watch TV or play a game, sometimes you would just find an excuse to hang around the gym while he would work out. You had made it safely to the kitchen, all the lights in the tower were off and the kitchen was being illuminated by the city lights from the floor to ceiling windows in the kitchen. Tell me about her. You asked quietly, your coffee being set down in front of you. The man was as stubborn as a cattle. Tony slapped Buckys shoulder before he disappeared around the corner leading to his lab. Im really happy. For the love of God. Steve mumbled under his breath as he stared down at his phone, his fingers hovered above the keyboard. You were on the top of a tall building. All energy was gone from your now exhausted body. Every time he was around you, it was his goal to make your life miserable. You turned around and another ear piercing scream bursted throughout the stairwell. Steve had told you that you were going to get someone on the team killed because of the workplace dysfunction. You groaned in pain as you felt your body being slammed into a nearby building, These ultron drones are relentless.. You thought as you pulled yourself up. Some dude who loved this hammer andoh wait. The weird movement made a smile start to tug on Buckys face. asked Art. Youre always glammed up and looking fabulous around everyone, even if it was a lazy day. Im not saying that after today then its all going to become magically better or anything. Were people who have wanderlust in our blood. You paused for a moment. He never smiled either. Just something I came up with for you all, and I know its not Fall, I wish it was, but lets just pretend that it is Fall for this imagine! Your eyes caught his own sending an uncomfortable rush through your body. Steve laughed, his chest rumbling as a genuine laugh escaped the Captain. Not in the least of the sense. Um How do I tell you this? Steve looked at the floor nervously. Maybe it was the way the whole city was sparkling and dazzling in lights and reflections. This is heavily influenced by my personal experience, ya know, except having someone who cares lmao. No. When you frowned he hurried to add, I dontwantto hurt you, [y/n], but I cant always control it. im awful to you. and shes like i would never let anyone die. Why?, You slowly let go of one of his hands and reached out to brush one of his cheeks, the light stubble prickling your fingertips. You loved him, and because you loved him, you wanted him to be happy. You had to suck up and you had to win back his trust. He's got the looks, charm, and high hockey player status. But with Bucky, it was one step forward and two steps back, and the Winter Soldiers shadow seemed to stretch so far that it enveloped the entire room in darkness. Your heart throbbed at this and you were disappointed. The innocent man had hoped that the two of you would kiss for a while and then spend the rest of the night cuddling in each others arms. His best friend Bucky Barnes can't help but notice she isn't a kid anymore. There were no chances of pulling out now, plus, lives were at stake. He didn't know when the feeling exactl, Come on [Name]! You two are very close to being assigned on that mission I told you about, Y/N. Your irritation with him today had begun with a comment on how loud you were in the mornings when he was still asleep. Bucky thought that he was the only one to make Steve laugh when he was at his worst. I need to do it on my own. He can't believe his eyes. Shes a brunette, she used to have long hair but she cut it to her shoulders a couple months ago. Almost at once, the tall leather-clad man in the cage stopped his pacing and locked eyes with her. You sat quietly while eating your Lucky Charms and Steve drank his coffee while he enjoyed the peace. I wasnt able to understand that with you guys, the Avengers, but with these people, I was able to understand all that he said to me. You thought about kissing Bucky before. Before Steve could even speak, you jumped on the heels of your feet and threw your hands wildly in the air. So I decided to give you all a little something Ive been working on here and there. In an instant his hands were on you, gripping your upper arms so tightly, you were sure bruises were forming. You were pretty certain that you were the only one up, the whole tower was dead silent, which only ever happens when everyones asleep. The daily bickering and arguments began to get to Steve. You would pester and talk and prank and become so overly dramatic. Warning(s): Profanity, Violence ! Bucky yelled through the halls of the Avengers compound. when the others leave and you're left alone with bucky barnes, you can't help but feel attracted to the charming rocker. You inwardly groaned. How about you go drink a large cup of calm the fuck down?, What did you think was gonna happen when you said, Bucky raised his voice to be higher and squeaker like yours. From that moment on, you decided that you'd ignore Peter until he made a legitimate effort towards fixing your friendship. To know how right he was. Sammy! Although that was due to the fact that he was exhausted mentally and physically, he always got snippy after a hard mission. Your bangs were sticking up from behind the headband. And then I was like, girl, and she was like, girl, and I was like, girl, and then she was like, girl. So it was true; you had developed a crush on Bucky Barnes. We gon do this all night long!! The cool summer night breeze kissed your legs and arms, making your hair move softly every so often. You barely spoke; ashamed and embarrassed about the event that took place. For the rest of the Avengers, today was a long day. Apparently, he was wrong. You left with hardly a goodbye, it killed you to do so but its what had to be done. You have the ability to heal injuries, but with a price: whatever wound or injury you healed appears on your body at the exact same spot, with the exact same severity, leaving you suffering from an injury meant for someone else. Maybe you had been too harsh when you judged the small town as soon as you had moved in. She forgives easily, she sees the good in everybody. You smiled, you liked the sounds of her. I know its been tough but, you made it out alive.. Steve stepped out of the elevator and grinned down at you, he stood awfully close to you not being anything more than a friend. Sam groaned into his pillow, he was glad his face was being covered or else the bright overhead light of his room would certainly cause pain to his sleep filled eyes. I know. Tony shrugged his shoulders before moving on. A Christmas enemies to lovers fic. Like expected, the light in the kitchen area was on and both Steve and Bucky were inside. Little Steve will be there too along with the reader. It was something he knew would help you relax and keep you calm, or distracted from the pain shooting through you. You left him after all, you left before you two could even become a thing. Babygirl. Steve repeated the name, he sounded teasing in a way as he poked fun at the sleep-deprived Soldier who stood rigidly and annoyed beside him. Walking into the dark world of crime, was never something that you had ever imagined, but yet here you are, and it's too late to leave now. You whimpered in pain as he marched back over to you, you spat out a small amount of blood, your hand clutched your chest wh, New York, 2016 Outside the Raft, after your escape You? You knew exactly who he was. You had no feelings for him. "Nope." Bucky said. You smiled slightly, knowingly. He can have any girl he wants, except you. What mission? It was warm, contrasting the breeze, and made you smile. Y/N! Dont be surprised if you find salt in your doorways or hear him mumbling an exorcism under his breath.. I mean; flowers? Suffering in silence through abuse that no one should ever go through, keeping your thoughts to yourself so you didnt disrupt the lives of those around you. I came up with a plan while you were in the bathroom. You jumped backwards and your hand flew to your chest, sucking in a sharp breath, you stared at Wanda with wide eyes. They say eyes are the window to the soul and the last thing you wanted was Bucky Barnes to know you. He was just about to knock on the window, inwardly laughing for he knew Bucky would be irritated at the interruption, when his eyes suddenly widened and the smile dropped instantly. So many lives, so many stories, the world felt so full and so overwhelming. The first thing you always did after a mission, was linger in the rooms Bucky would be in. Steven Grant Rogers, do you know how long Ive been waiting for you?!. What were you talking about?, Steve glanced at Bucky and smirked. You slammed your mouth shut and gnawed on the corner of your lip as you watched him carefully, his eyes holding yours in a standstill. Bucky set his bags down by the door and followed Tony without a word, he still wore his mission gear but didnt bother taking it off yet. I got coffee and Im ready to move my body! You bounced from one foot to the other, flicking your wrists and occasionally sticking your butt out. I just had this idea so I wrote it hahah, I had the weirdest dream last night, Thor kept taking me to the desert becauseI belonged there. Bucky speaks with some insecurity in his voice, "You can't blame me, Barnes." And for those celebrating the Fourth on Monday, have an amazing day and be safe, dont like get in the way of a firework or set your hair on fire. When Steve Rogers made up his mind, he made up his mind. Warning: depression, suicide attempt, angst, crying, hurt/comfort. When Steve Rogers made up his mind, he made up his mind. Lets go to Steak and Shake! It seemed like a good idea yesterday.. But you didnt expect it to be so longing, desperate and knee-buckling. And still, even after all this time, you care. You knew this day would come, Bucky would fall in love and go off to live a happily ever after. Hercules narrows his eyes at you, "I always get what I want. Runners.. Wanda, I think he offered that so he couldaccidentallyshoot me. ! He finally spun around to look at you. Work Search: He was swift when he delicately picked up your hand in his, his human thumb moving in soft motions up and down your hands. Sorry if I misspelled something. You are strong, Y/n. Natasha continued saying, at the end she reached over and squeezed your arm. Just like the Avengers day to day lives, eating a simple meal is turned into some crazy and loud thing. Bitch Im Madonna! The two of you froze and turned to look at each other from across the room, you both pointed one finger at the other and shouted it as loud as you could before unfreezing and getting back to dancing. All of a sudden the thing in the corner ran out and slithered passed you legs so it could hide under the stairs. Can I talk to you for a minute?. Pairing: Bucky Barnes x female reader. Shes nice, I mean shes got a huge heart. He had said the mission would be a way to work out that dysfunction For a long time, you thought the Captains threat was empty. But then something really awesome happened, I met some really cool people and they showed me that I wasnt alone. Series (Bucky Barnes x Reader) (Finished) Bucky Barnes is the most eligible bachelor in New York, a ladies' man and a dick even. You are so loved by so many people-. Dropping what you were doing, you stomped past him he anything but turned into a block of ice when your shoulder brushed his and shut the door before he could get out. Thank you for reading. The sun hadnt even risen but yet you had opened all the curtains to his windows. You rushed to the windows and quickly propped open three in a row, ushering the smoke outside. But when you showed him you were alright by laughing and leaning over him, thus starting another wrestle for power, he grinned and captured your lips again. Doing anything else pretty much mode you sick to the stomach, so you avoided anything that involved reading. And in the end, were both happy.. She eventually ends up living with the super soldiers and much cuddling, sweetness, and protectiveness occurs. That is what scared Bucky the most. Please R&R Thanks! Welcome to the place where people can let their inner fangirl loose. Because thats the way it was supposed to be. By the end of the first night, Bucky's come to two conclusions where you are concerned. He tried to compose himself as he watched you and Bucky, the fear never leaving his soul. The air drifting in through the open window chilled your skin and you shivered, but forced yourself to stay put. Please dont, you could hear him inching closer to you, the atmosphere shifting around his presence and the air was thick with grief. Blue eyes and brown tied back hair, all completed by an amazing jawline, shit! The show had just went to commercial. This time his expression was softer, his eyes still held their previous anger, but a careful and worried look was now taking over. Plot: Bucky betrays the reader in the worst way possible. Nope, thats my reality.. Summary: Your smile faded, skin going cold as you realized he was there, watching you at the end of your life. Tony huffed, a smile twitching in the corner of his mouth. Just remember, you are a hero. Natasha hugged you. You winced when your lower back made contact with the wood, but willed yourself not to look away, keeping your eyes on his. How can you care? The man known formally as Steve Rogers left a torrent of torment behind when he left his soulmates. You completely ignored Bucky and begged, Steve, please. My hiatus is over, I'm gonna try to write . ! Bucky snapped, his eyes narrowing as he looked at you. You had tried to end it before, to be rid of this life, but it only blew up in your face. Bucky growled under his breath, something too low for you to hear and averted his eyes to the ceiling, pressing his hands to his sides and clenching them into fists. You could still hear the screams, still feel their hands . You didn't say anything and sighed instead, drinking from the bottle of water in your hand. Everything they have ever known is toppled over. You just kept staring at the city lights and swinging your legs. Not a single one of them suited your toned down style. "You look tired, Y/n-san." Or at least that was what he thought would be appropriate. Your voice was emotionless and your eyes were still thick with tiredness. Your words were a bluff of course, as well as you knew Bucky, you couldnt even dream of beating him in a fight but you tried not to let your surprise show when he rested his hands on the desk on either side of you, trapping you between his arms. Just an object for others to use for their personal gain and needs. Did they have people who loved them, or were they alone? Or, the fic where I refuse to acknowledge that anyone dies/disappears and pretend they all live happily in Avengers Tower :). He wanted to put everything in the past and heal, but she still hated him. As they work everything out, the situation becomes increasingly dire. A moment of silence passed and before Tony could stalk off to his lab for the night, Bucky asked him one last question. But as surely as superheroes and criminals crawled the streets, things never went so smoothly and happiness was always so infuriatingly short-lived. One day when you and Steve were training he mentioned an idea to you. "I have sat up every night this past month." Bucky had caught on to the fact that you preferred to call Steve by his full name, and did you the honor of giving you proper permission to the do the same for him. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. Bucky shook his head once again, I have to because you already told SHIELD.. You and Bucky would be leaving for the hotel where the nuclear weapons CEO was having a conference soon. Bucky Barnes x Reader. You were looking into the eyes of a friend. What if HYDRA found him? Lots of smut, emotions run high, plenty of fluff, and a plot I swear will keep you on your toes. You had been pretty lonely ever since you had left your old town, since the drive mostly made you want to sleep and try to watch movies. He might have been jealous of his best friend being swept away with his Avenger, rescuing and good, superhero friends. Youd be missing his touch, his gentle caress as he soothed you at night, the feeling of his hands on your body as you made love, his sweet voice ringing through your ears, calling your name. Read Tree Saver || Bucky Barnes from the story 12 Days of Christmas || Seb and Chris One Shots by just-a-writer-and (Mai) with 906 reads. Youve been an Avenger since the beginning and you could say that youve learned a lot of valuable things as an Avenger. Without the marshmallows theyre basically Cheerios.. At first, it took you a while to notice. After all, it isn't every day that your toilet betrays you and you find yourself stuck behind it screaming for help. If you're gonna let me down, let me down gently. You liked it better when he was not on some dangerous mission, you worried more than usual while he was away. Im pretty sure she never fell asleep last night either.. There is no way in hell Im do-. 'Earth's Mighiest Heroes' type thing. | 18+ | This blog is used for post notifications and ease of access to my work | @moongoddessmox, Warning: depression, suicide attempt, angst, crying, hurt/comfortWord Count: 2,104. But today was not a stressful day, it was not a sad day or a painful day, it was a happy day. And I'm serious. Somebody please help! The mother cried out, you couldnt see but the woman was clutching her two children close to her body. Its true, you have. Shes not an Avenger, and she doesnt have any powers. He was close to the little girls age and clung onto his mothers arm, but he also had a hand squeezing his little sisters. What do you mean by weird? Bucky tilted an eyebrow as he lifted you up gently into his chest, you shuffled around in his arms a little before hiding your face in his shoulder. A/n: Not my gif :) Natasha Romanoff with all her glory walks in the training room while . He didnt expect Bucky to grip the bottom of your shirt and break the kiss to pull the article of clothing over your head, throwing it over his shoulder. At first, he merely rolled his eyes and moved to get to the door but you copied his movements, taking a step to the side so you completely blocked his access to the door handle. He didnt seem too comfortable around you, so who were you to force him to spend time with you. So the italics are the reader and Wanda talking the same night that Wanda came over to the readers apartment about how to win back the trust of the Avengers, while the normal text is the reader actually trying to win back their trust. That morning in the subway you had met Steve, the way he had looked at you when he realized you werent who he thought you were, the explosion in Vienna, the death of TChaka (the king of Wakanda), and every single moment that had followed. Steve looked alarmed and stood up, placing his arms around the other man and bringing him into a tender hug. Bucky glanced over at the bright screen, his eyes watching as he saw text bubbles start spamming Steves phone, his own blue bubble text disappeared within seconds. But when your boyfriend dumps you and kicks you out of your apartment, you didn't have many other options. He's got the looks, charm, and high hockey player status. Morning, you drawled in a greeting, enjoying the little startles they gave when they turned to you in surprise. (PART THREE TO ALL IS FAIR IN LOVE AND WAR). The aching feeling in your chest while he was away felt like you were suffocating. Thank you so much!! You were going to get answers and it was just you and Bucky alone, and you were not going to let this opportunity go to waste. DO YOU KNOW HOW UPSET I AM?? With your eyes still shut, you tilted your head up until you could feel the sun on your skin. Me moving home means that we can hang out like we used to! You were painting your nails, your back was leaning against the couch as you used the coffee table to rest your hand on, you were being careful not to spill any. That doesnt sound bad? Steve sat on the edge of the bed, watching Bucky pace with his hands rubbing down his face, tears soaking his palms. Of course, it wasnt like you were completely happy about moving out across, There were three loud raps at your door. Steve could see the tears streaming down his face, eyes swollen red and voice cracking with each sentence. Its go time, I have to stretch, you have to stretch, cmon Clint lets stretch! Even after a long, hard, and more than tiring mission. His eyes flickered to the window again, and you had half a mind to close it shut. *** Would this be their last day on earth, or would they live another fifty years? 'You are just a reminder of everything you did to me! I wasnt serious. He grumbled, keeping his eyes focused on the gym doors at the end of the hallway. You changed. Standing at the other end of the roof, watching with wide, terrified eyes as you hung from the ledge. Love you all bunches! Scott jumped and turned around suddenly, trying to get out of the stairwell when his face connected with the door as Sam flung it open. His cheekiness, of course had made a comeback. You knew the rest of the team was going to tease you eternally about your relationship. Perhaps thats why you ended up with Bucky Barnes, you didnt care about what he did in his tragically sad past and you certainly brought a sense of positivity to his life. She got accepted into Medical school a few years ago, shes been a little busy lately.. No. (One year my dad almost set my neighbors house on fire..they never found out though. Daily bickering and arguments began to get someone on the gym doors at the end she over... 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