the effect of temperature on a tennis ball experimentmark herrmann actor age

the effect of temperature on a tennis ball experiment

It is being changed by a ball in a oven to make it hot or a ball in the freezer to make it cold. As a result, a cold ball has a much lower bounce. When a tennis ball hits the ground, the force presses against the ball, pushing the bottom surface of the ball in to the core and compressing the gas inside of it. In recent years two different types of balls have been available championship balls and non-championship balls. The bladder inside the ball is what holds the air. Measure out 200 ml of iced water and check that the temperature of it is 0 C. According to the results, the tennis balls with the highest temperature had the highest bounce percentage, and the ones with the lowest temperature had the lowest bounce percentage. Gas molecules are generally unorganized; they easily slide around and over one another to fill up any space they occupy. Because it is hotter, the strings will soften up, become more pliable and will need to be tightened if not enough stiffness is present. The most durable material that is relatively widely used is kevlar, which lasts for a long time. With a propensity to bounce higher and further, the pace of the game can change considerably. Elongation also behaved as expected it increased with temperature (Figure 9). Table 9: Ball 1 vs. One clamp was attached to a load cell and computer to record elongation and tension. The temperature regression was carried out last. This is the graph created using information collected from the last bounces per temperature, or the third trial. If the string stiffness decreases between temperatures, the change will be negative, and if it increases, the change will be a positive number. Equipment: - two tennis balls - a refrigerator - tape measurer - video camera - bluetack Variables: Tension stabilization continues forever, but at a continually decreasing pace. You can, in fact, reverse this heating effect by chilling the string, but the difference is very small and probably not perceptible, and the effect does not last. Figure 2 For most of the strings tested, there was little difference in tension relaxation between being tensioned at normal room temperature (left or top) and at 40 C (right or bottom). You can also vary the brand for the second round to ensure that you have more data to make comparisons and conclusions on your data. This is the table showing the heights in which the ball bounced. The balls that were placed in room temperature, the bounce percentage was 70.10. Background Research The molecules that make up gas are relatively unorganized; they readily slide around and over one another to fill up any space they occupy. The p-value remains, as it should at zero, when the regression was plotted in Graph 5, 6 the R squared value showed little improvement, few points are still predicted by the regressed line. If stretched at the same rate, a string that elongates further to achieve the target tension will take more time to do so than one that elongates less. This experiment will show how temperature will affect the bounce of a tennis ball. (Wikipedia, 2012)Also, semi- traditional tennis balls had a woodier feel and did not bounce as high; there was no pressure inside the ball. Easy Experiment. As shown in Figure 10, elongation is proportional to temperature. Repeat steps 1-3 but keep the ball in a refrigerator. After the ball hits the floor the ball gains motion that is. Is a Photograph equally sharp in all area? After this experiment, one will know why tennis balls bounce differently after being left out in various weather conditions. Purpose The purpose of this project is to determine how tennis balls are affected by different temperature conditions. It wasnt more than just a leisurely activity until the game found its way back into Italy, once the Roman empire collapsed. Figure 10 breaks out elongation vs temperature by string in each material group. The stiffness of the gut and nylon strings seemed to be more sensitive to temperature than did the polyester and kevlar strings. Since the bounce of a tennis ball partly depends on the pressure of the gas in it, the ball will bounce differently in different pressures. Page #10 . Click the "Experiment" button to find out! Stand on the chair and place the tape measure next to you. Bocce ball is a great way to demonstrate the complex wonders of Newtons three laws in a simple and understandable way. Heating the string, whether before or during tensioning increases the mobility of the molecule chains. The kinetic, Tennis is a game of speed and reflex. The string was then allowed to cool for 200 additional seconds. At 200 seconds, the string was heated to 40 C. This took about 100 seconds. The outer layer is full of dimples which create a thin turbulent layer of air that clings to the ball allowing it to travel further. Create a free website or blog at This experiment was undertaken to quantify the effect of temperature on string. My daughter is in the 5th grade and she is doing this experiment. As a result, the conventional wisdom is that to maintain consistent feel and performance you should string racquets at higher tension when it is hot and lower tension when it is cold. This is not the expected result. Throughout this essay, I will not only explain what each of Newtons three laws mean, but provide a real life example of how it could relate to the game of bocce ball. 40K views 8 years ago Annie and Giuliana's science fair experiment tests the hypothesis that warmer tennis balls will bounce higher than frozen ones. When the first two examples were done, I noticed that there was a slight trend between the ending pressures as the temperatures decreased. 1b Heat after tensioning and stabilization. 5.Measuring tape was extended to 200cm and was held in position against a wall by the experiment assistant. It is the interplay between stretch rate, stretch amount, stretch duration, temperature, and stress relaxation that effects the amount of tension loss that occurs only in the relaxation period (the period that was measured to get "tension loss"). As an experiment, you can try to heat a tennis ball and see how well it will bounce. in my school i finish up in 2nd place thank u very much. Tennis balls are typically air-conditioned and have internal air pressure that influences their bounce. Record the temperature. The 0 C strings lose the most tension and the 40 degree curve criss-crosses the other two, though the trend is that the behavior for the 20 C and 40 C is different for nylon vs polyester. This machine measured string tension vs elongation. Place the thermometer on the ball. The scientific equation for determining the pressure of gas is p=rRT, where p is the pressure, r is the density, R is a constant specific to the gas and T is temperature. Time was analyzed next in Table 3, 4. owthats cool ANTONY LEMON thank you for your help because have me a project in science of scientific method because in your help and tank you for your effort my favorite subject is science and math i am validictorian in my school.THANK YOU FOR YOUR EFFORT. While nylon and polyester are less durable than nylon and responsive to unfavorable conditions, they are still more robust than natural gut. Equilibrium occurs when all molecular bond attractions are greater than the tension trying to tear them apart. From that data, the lengthwise stiffness of each string was calculated. But more specifically it effects the molecular movement of the object which in this case is a tennis ball. Do variations in temperature exposure affect tension loss in these materials differently? The experiment will show if temperature affects the height of a bouncing tennis ball. Aim: The aim of this experiment is to see which ball is better quality for bouncing and what is a lot more reasonable for price and size. While we think primarily about the effect of temperature on rackets and their strings, theres one thing that is also significantly affected by high temperatures: the balls themselves. On the other hand, a temperature decrease causes the gas molecules to contract and move around more sluggishly. Repeat steps 1-3 but keep the ball at a hot temperature without getting moisture on it. Here is the table for this graph showing the actual height in which the ball bounced. Tennis ball. Figure 13 Tension vs time for a string tensioned to 28 kg for several different time intervals prior to clamping. The value of the test statistic was found to be 0.40997 with an alpha level of 0.05 the H0 hypotheses would not be rejected. The test was conducted with 14 strings at three temperatures 0 C, 20 C, and 40 C (however, strings 8-15 were not recorded for the 0 C test) . These muscles are used to accelerate the whole arm while also stabilising the shoulder. String materials vary in terms of their durability, given extreme weather conditions. This scientific mystery can be demonstrated at home or school with a simple experiment. Ball 1 had a sample standard deviation of 3.312 while ball 2 was 3.177. Ensure that you note the temperature of each ball once you are ready to start your experiment to find out its temperature. Finally the data does not justify spending extra money for the championship balls since the mean bounces of both the championship and non-championship balls are considered equal. When a tennis ball hits the ground, the force presses up against the ball, pushing the bottom surface of the ball in and compressing the gas inside its core. (Borlings, 2011)The game is outdated and is not played anymore. The amount is highly material specific, with gut, nylon, and polyester losing the least tension in that order. Then comes extension of the knees as well as hip flexion to start the movement - both of these movements are initiated by the quadriceps. With an increase in the temperature, the gas molecules within the tennis ball start to expand. Place one of the tennis balls in the freezer for 20 mins 2. Hi I am Andrew. The result is more viscous behavior with chains slipping, sliding, and reorienting relative to each other. The question of concern was whether adding heat after stabilization would start (or accelerate) tension loss. Each contributes to how a ball performs. The ball will not bounce as much in the cold as it does during hot days, and for the players, this is a vast difference that is also evident in how they take on the matches at different times. When a lack of fit analysis was completed the f statistic were both above 35 with a p value of zero, this indicates that there is a linear relationship but there still might be a even better fit. The first result found is Table 1, 2 show due to the high p-value, in excess of 0.5 in both cases, that humidity is not at all a significant relationship with bounce height. For example a tennis ball will bounce higher than a soccer ball because it has more air pressure and it is harder. As such, the heated ball will tend to have a higher bounce than the colder ball. Add up all the ten readings and divide them by ten to find the mean height to which each ball could bounce back to at a specific temperature. History Of Tennis Balls Who Invented The Tennis Ball? Hold a ball so its lowest point is at the 1 metre point. Here is a diagram of the structure of a tennis ball. (Borlings, 2011) From the 1920s, the process of making a tennis ball was based on the clover-leaf principlewhere a sheet of rubber was shaped into a three-leaf clover. The data from this experiment will show their differences. There are probably two effects: the air pressure inside a cold ball is less and that will change the elastic coefficient, the other is the temperature effect on the material tennis ball itself. As the molecules expand, their energy increases as they bounce around more erratically. (Borlings, 2011)This was very important since the new pressurized balls bounced higher, better, and could be hit farther. I should also research to determine who should not use a stability ball. To measure the bounciness of a ball, you can try dropping it from a height onto a hard surface. When you mix new and old balls, you will not get consistent results which means that your experiment will not be fair. What players feel when hitting in various temperature conditions is the combined effect. Tension loss is defined as just that part that occurs after stretching. Rather, it is something that naturally happens. (Wikipedia, 2012)Traditional tennis balls were also made from a spherical stitchedenvelopeof leather or cloth stuffed with rags, horsehair or similar material. (Incorporation, 2011)Also, the original flannel cloth was replaced by special melton cloth made specifically for the purpose and the stitching was replaced by rubber seams. I did notice a different in weight. The second method heated the string to 40 C after it was stretched to a tension of 28 kg and had stabilized at constant elongation for 200 seconds. Why Is String Stiffness So Important To Power? Gather 15 to 20 tennis balls and a measuring tape. A complicating factor is that the ball also changes performance with temperature. The data from this experiment will show their differences. Does Air Pressure Affect the Bounce of a Basketball? Ball History. That is why tension loss in itself can be a misleading indicator of string performance. Tennis balls should ideally be kept at temperatures greater than 68 degrees Fahrenheit or 20 degrees Celsius. By the same token, looser strings will result in more springy strings, propelling the ball further with a shot at the same level of force. The result should have been that the ball bounced much lower when it was in the freezer than any other temperature, and that the ball shouldve bounced highest in the oven. Leave 2 out for 10 mins so they can come to room temperature. Required fields are marked *. Using balls that are all new means that your experiment will be more consistent, and as such, you will be able to get the best kind of results. You can get an idea of just how much by looking at the percentage difference in stiffness resulting from the temperature exposures. Put 2 in the freezer, also for 10 mins, so they can First, make a way for the ball to drop from the same height every time. Results for Setup #1 tension loss vs timing of heat application. They found that tennis rackets perform noticeably differently at different temperatures, as well as be affected by the conditions during which stringing itself takes place. The paper will focus on the some of the types of the serves and the ways in which the upper extremity are involved in the game. Jeu de Paume was played without even bouncing the balland was just played against a wall. General Conclusion: As a result of experimentation, one has come to conclude that the hypothesized notion is in fact incorrect. You will also have a more comfortable time working out the heights to which the balls can rebound, and as such, your experiment will go on more easily. Many athletes use basketballs, soccer balls, and volley balls to play their sports. Figure 1 Experimental setup for measuring tension loss vs time for strings with different temperature exposure histories. I thank Dr. Choi for teaching me how to do this assignment and my parents for buying tennis balls for me. This can be done through putting it out on the sun for a very long time, or wrapping the ball in many heat pads. This ranged from 30 to 76 percent more tension loss, depending on the string. The string ends extended past the end of the tube and were clamped. Electrical tape There are two reasons for this. Figure 12 Tension vs time for a string tensioned to 28 kg for several different time intervals prior to clamping. Sealable plastic bags (Sheehan, 2011)On impact, the gas will be caused to move toward the ground. In the real world, tennis tends to be played in all kinds of conditions and temperatures. Since the effect of temperature on the bounce of a squash ball is signicant, we studied the temperature dependence of its elastic properties. My own experience is that cold tennis balls don't bounce as well as warm ones. As such, the energy inside the ball increases, and the molecules start bouncing around more erratically. Researchers Crawford Lindsley and Rod Cross performed an in-depth study exploring the effect of temperature on string tension and stiffness. Tension Loss. It is also to find out if the temperature of an object can affect its behavior. This act is attained underhand or overhead. Temperature can change the internal pressure of a tennis ball, which causes it to feel hotter. From the things they can controllike diet, rest, and conditioning, to the things that are relatively less predictablelike weather conditions and temperature, good players are continually considering all eventualities. Setup #1 Tension vs timing of heat application. (Incorporation, 2011)In the late 1920s, tennis balls became pressurized. The first setup (Figure 1) was used to measure tension vs time for strings with different temperature exposure histories. A common question among tennis players is whether or not they should string their racquets differently in winter vs summer, or from hot days to cold days. An experiment was performed to determine the effect of temperature on the stiffness, elongation, tension loss and maintenance of tennis strings. Figure 8 presents just such a picture grouped by materials. A string was inserted inside clear perspex tube with two open ends and through a small hole in a rubber stopper at each end of the tube. The purpose of this experiment is to find if the temperature of a tennis ball affects the way it bounces. Conclusion. co2 is carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide is an expanding gas. As the temperature of the rubber ball increases, the height of its bounce will increase. Overall the residual plots show that the fit is good, but there is some considerable doubt and, it is possible another model might fit the data even better. Record temperature on the thermometer of the ball and write it down. (Incorporation, 2011)The first rubber tennis balls were made out of pure rubber, and their properties were increased by stitching flannel on to the core. Temperature Quadratic ANOVA, Table 10: Ball 2 vs. Before the ball is dropped, make sure a measuring tape or a meter stick is very close to where the ball is being dropped so the height can be measured. An increase in R squared to values of 0.974 and 0.957 were seen and suggests that the quadratic fit is even better than the linear one. Fourteen strings were tested: 1 gut, 1 kevlar, 7 nylon, 5 polyester. I am determine who would benefit from using the stability ball during training? While a temperature change in one direction has a high-bouncing effect, a temperature change in the other direction reduces the balls bouncing abilities. Tension loss by temperature is shown in Figure 11. Figure 6 Composite view of tension loss by string and temperature history (indexed in order of tension loss at room temperature of 20 C). Tennis players should conclude two things from this study the next time they go out for a game. Molecules of a gas can effortlessly expand and contract. However, nowadays, two half-shells are made first and is melded together to form a core. When pressedurized tennis balls are pressed, they exert internal pressure. Figure 3 shows the dramatic decrease in tension when heat is applied to a string after it has already stabilized. The balls which were placed in a freezer had a bounce percentage of 54.90. For instance, some games are usually held during the summer, and others are held during the winter. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); can u pls also mention the results u get by doing the experiment? The 20 C temperature was room temperature and 40 C was achieved with a heat gun. During a game of tennis, most players rely on the balls rapid bounce to help them play and score. The experiment will show if temperature affects the height of a bouncing tennis ball. In general, the looser the strings, the less control the player will have over directing the ball in the desired direction. Exploratorium: That's The Way The Ball Bounces. Asteroid Ring Formation through Inelastic Collisions, The Pre-computed Vector Space and Interpolation Method on the Computing Time of an n-Body Simulation, Heat Recovery: Specific Latent Heat Definition. To offset the balls declining bounce, the website recommends stringing your racket 2 pounds lower during the wintertime. How does temperature affect the bounce of a tennis ball? A typical result is shown in Figure 5 at 20 C. Figure 5 Typical graph of string behavior using a materials testing machine to stretch string at 0, 20, and 40 degrees centigrade. This is because the energy lost in the collision of the ball to the ground is inelastic, which means that kinetic energy in the ball is lost each time it bounces. We can zoom in on elongation by string in Figure 9 just as we did above for stiffness. This brings more intense games that are fast-paced and very demanding for the players. Tension loss in itself is a misleading parameter because it is part of the larger concept of stress relaxation. A residual analysis was next completed for the liner regression. Hold the meter stick vertically with one end on the ground. (Wikipedia, 2012)In the 19th century, tennis balls were made of rubber. Heating before tensioning would simulate the effect of temperature during the stringing/tensioning process. On the other hand, a temperature decrease causes the gas molecules to contract and move around more sluggishly. Retrieved 8 24, 2012, from LIVESTRONG:, Wikipedia. Even amateur players consider the effects important enough to open a new can every couple of days. Ice chest with ice These molecules will also be more compressed and compact, which means that they will have a negative impact on the ability of the ball to bounce. Once ready, remove the balls individually and drop them from an elevated position. The distance between clamps was 35 cm. In other words, it would take more loosening of the strings at lower temperatures to achieve the same level of . This means that less energy is lost in each bounce and the ball bounces higher. Results for Setup #1 tension loss vs timing of heat application. 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