brandon smith alt market biogreen hope high school graduation 2022

brandon smith alt market bio

It is now openly admitted by recently retired British Army, Gen. Mark Carleton-Smith that UK special forces (SAS) are on the ground in Ukraine leading Ukrainian troops. Its not complicated but there are a couple of options with every move and which option you take can determine the game. The rise of communism and Nazi(ism?). Almost every trade expert and industry insider is admitting that supply chain problems are going to persist into the foreseeable future, and some are . Sure, there will be moments when the markets rally based on nothing more than a word or two from a Fed official planting false hopes, but this will become rare. I remember in 2007 right before the epic derivatives collapse when media pundits were applauding the US housing market and predicting even greater highs in sales and in valuations. And plenty of health professionals nearbynone of whom can defend themselves., The One Assured Outcome After The Election I am very far right wing, a Libertarian, not some leftist scumbag. And I will pray for those women and children who are depending upon these commenters for protection. In economics these are called recessions or depressions or economic crashes or bubbles bursting, etc. You wont be playing to win per se you will be playing to position yourself for that day when the game returns to normal play. From Brandon Smith at I live in the mountains outside a small town in rural Montana, a place you might assume is conservative through and through, and it is, for the most part. The (badly-misleadingly-named) Fed is more at war with We the People than They are against any financial crisis. 2) French citizens have been encouraged to turn in their guns to public authorities. I agree. Right? I think Coleman is too pessimistic. [8] At the time of the senator's remarks, the Curiosity rover had last reported a high of 17C (1F), low 80C (112F). There are some layers of truth but the fact is we dont know anything about the global stage and what They are planning. Then perhaps the next logical question is what is a good strategy?. In 2014, Smith attracted local and eventually national news media attention when he stated during a legislative committee hearing: As you [Energy and Environment Cabinet official] sit there in your chair with your data, we sit up here in ours with our data and our constituents and stuff behind us. I will add that Trump is a liar, tyrant, and a fool. Price of gas IS creating demand destruction. Full time consumers, Wall Street bankers, and fashion conscious millennials will either shift into low gear or die. If the financial elites pulled the plug and the entire world economy collapsed, those financial elites would lose an enormous part of their wealth and control. Eventually Biden is going to run out of oil to drop on markets and he will have to replenish those reserves at a much higher cost. They consistently fill the airwaves with their ridiculous commentary usually pointing out the obvious, but, sugar coating everything by saying the Fed is trying to fight the inflation that it created. Thanks to French president Macron being the worst leader in recent French history, that event has occurred. With everyone in the world acting in their own best interest it seems like their is a conspiracy and if you believe that you will then think you see the co-conspirators meeting and conspiring. Bottom line,God has the plan. Assume that it is stacked to seduce you to do all the wrong things. What most fail to realize is that life went on, and yes, you had to do more with less. Because of this the deck is stacked crazy. Then, there is the war in Ukraine and the ongoing sanctions against Russia. As noted, I continue to predict the trade war as it stands will accelerate unabated until the plunge in fundamentals and equities is complete. By 2007/2008 the nation witnessed an exponential implosion of credit, setting off the biggest money printing bonanza in US history in order to save the banking sector, at least for a time. But the point is before things go belly up you need to as much as possible put your money/assets into cash and/or precious metals. Historically, a rare and quite stunning development. The trade war situation as it is now is not enough of a distraction in my view, however. Well everything you do that is conventional wisdom. The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation., Dr. Vernon Coleman lays out the dreary future of what awaits humanity if the conspirators win: Jorge Newbery / BUENOS AIRES ARAEP Arquata Scrivia ITARQ Arques FRARQ Arquota ITAQU Arrabury AUAAB Arraias BRAAI Arrancudiaga ESARR Arras FRARR Arrecife de Lanzarote ESACE Arrigorriaga ESARA Arrington GBARR Arroyo/Guayama PRARR Arsiero ITARS SEARS SEARD Arsuk GLJRK Artand HUART Arteijo ESARJ Artes ESATS Artesia USATM USATS Arthabaska CAART . Oil prices in the US are being kept down by Joe Bidens constant supply dumps from the strategic reserves. 2 more things about Europe and Switzerland where I live: One lesser known issue is the new 1% excise tax on stock buybacks planted within Bidens Inflation Reduction Act. I aint buying it. Of course your focus is on the usa, but your clear view refers to the entire world, so you will also know whats going on here. Thats great..I actually opened a twitter account just to see, but to be honest I dont really access it much. Where do you think I made most of my money? Help Support Our Free Content! c/o P.O. . What better way to stop him than linking him to the bad guys by an author who only wants to help us all understand the truth as he sees it? He returns to talk his theory behind the train crash in Ohio, Russia going on the offensive in Ukraine, Chinese spy balloons, his article "A Dollar Collapse Is Now In . Take a deck of 52 cards and shuffle them and think now what can I do to make a different skill level? And the Financial House-of-Cards will stumble along until one day when The (Old) Fake Conjured Money no longer has any purchasing power left. Only one of these events is needed to initiate the next stage of economic collapse, but it is possible we will see all three occur in due course. High School career [ edit] Smith attended Louisa County High School in Louisa, Virginia. Thats good stuff man! At least one more major event with global ramifications (or perceived global ramifications) is needed by the elites before they can implode the Everything Bubble without taking the blame for the consequences. The idea of keeping at the very least an extra month of food supplies (canned goods and dry goods) is always a good idea, especially if the part of the country you live in is prone to severe weather, and/or natural disasters. You also want to make sure that your physical cash is safe. Google their statements on indebtedness: youll find they are very much opposed to people / corporations being way too far in debt! This is the "Conspiracy." This can also be done over your entire investment lifetime. Any war with a Iran will be based entirely on a false flag attack, its extremely obvious and predictable too, they arent even trying to do a good job anymore, they sure didnt for 9/11. Born in Hazard, Smith is a 1991 graduate of the University of Kentucky with a B.A. Our mail forwarding address is: James Wesley, Rawles Brandon Smith has been an alternative economic and geopolitical analyst since 2006 and is the founder of Top marginal tax rates from 1940 to 1963 approached and exceeded 90%. Posts from Brandon Smith Page 1 of 1 Economics. They have so devalued the dollar that it now buys two cents worth of goods and services instead of the full dollar it bought in 1913. The Fed is in the midst of a rather aggressive rate hike program in a fight against the stagflationary crisis that they created through years of fiat stimulus measures. You will also have had to play long before (or maybe just before) the game changer (the crash) to be in a position to both wait it out and play for advantage. IMO the Big Conspiracy theory could be viewed as safety blanket to comfort people and give them an illusion that some human is in control of the steaming mess that much of this world is. The Federal Reserves soft landing is on the way. Marine Le Pens National Rally Party has overtaken Macrons LREM party in the EU parliamentary elections. Would be bad for the economic puppet show. Thank you! You can follow Alt-Market here: Chevrus December 8, 2022 at 12:08 pm What to buy? It is re-posted with permission. But if you cant keep a fairly advanced society stitched together, you can forget it when you blow out a diverticulum, or need cancer treatment, or have a small bowel obstruction things that happen to many! Its happening again right now as blacks in CA, NY and other states are demanding reparations. Rock solid history that makes a pretty good spy novel. Mention voting, everything is going to be OK, or smugly dismiss all of Brandons assertions as doom porn and they would get a good laugh. Brandon Smith December 8, 2022 at 9:12 am SPECIAL NOTE: Alt-Market is now on Twitter! There is no one way it is stacked and even those ways are changed constantly. A person at a 0.08 and above is considered drunk. The decline in the rate of increase of United States M2: Another possible cause of this is simply that people are deleveraging. SPECIAL NOTE: Alt-Market is now on Twitter! Brandon Smith [ send him mail] is founder of the Alternative Market Project ( as well as the head writer and co-founder of Neithercorp Press. I don't want to get into the debate about climate change, but I will simply point out that I think in academia we all agree that the temperature on Mars is exactly as it is here. Random deal you think? Brandon D. Smith (born June 14, 1967) is an American businessman from Hazard, Kentucky who serves in the Commonwealth of Kentucky Senate. As I noted in my article The Fed Is Taking The Punch Bowl Away But The Inflation Crisis Will Continue To Grow, published in May: Mainstream financial commentators want to believe the Fed will capitulate because they desperately want the party in stock markets to continue, but the party is over. And I see randomness to a large extent. . I dont want to over complicate this with trying to explain every possible way that the deck can be stacked to either make sure you do not win or allow you to only win a little if you pick the right strategy but just accept that it is true and you need to deal with it. A king buried in the middle of the three turned over cards can be exposed by playing one card before you reach it and going around the second time. 2021 was the year that cryptos had their moonshot moment, In 2004, they shifted into a tightening process. And that right there is the key. In the early 2000s the Fed had been engaged in artificially low interest rates which inflated the housing and derivatives bubble. The Great Depression birthed the greatest generation. There is kind of a ying and yang to this. How could one conclude from this that they are trying to push a financial collapse? But you are just doing OK. You can probably retire at 65 and you wont be rich and take great vacations but you wont starve either or be kicked out of your home. This is not a coincidence. Im an American in Paris. Already some people are declaring this to mean that the US will gain the majority of global support and crush China. Meaning, stock markets will also stop, and drop. Its shocking, really, how blas are the locals, how utterly unconcerned they are about their own situation which includes periodic times when the heat isnt on and ridiculously priced food. - Keep up the comments like this as it helps everyone who reads them to stay focused and not to get distracted. He is not a prophet and his doom and gloom is just a way to sell fear. My suspicion is that there is a concerted disinformation campaign in play on the internet to drum up the false impression of consensus support for the trade war while the activities of the real villains (the international banks) are ignored. This is Communism. This is because you may not and probably wont know when or if there is about to be a crash. [1] I told you so! when one of their myriad predictions actually happens. I suggest buying a Sun Oven, a manual flour mill and a half dozen buckets of hard white winter wheatman does not live by bread alone, but it certainly makes life better. Furthermore, oil and energy prices are being kept down because of Chinas suspiciously bizarre Zero Covid policy, which is slowing their economy to a crawl and reducing oil usage to a minimum. Solar power, water at least 2 ways, food storage, and gradually succeeding at real crops. In a way I think that should motivate people to prep more than the Big Conspiracy. Well than, you miss playing the king. Get out of line and the robots will come after you. I too know God. The most powerful option China has at its disposal is the dumping of US Treasuries and the dollar as the world reserve mechanism, but it is likely to use this tactic only when the US economy is at its most unstable. Bill Holter and Rob Kirby say no way. Survive and pay attention. That came in handy for me when the lights went out during Hurricane Irma. He is a willing puppet for the Globalist, he has always been buddy buddy with them, including longtime friends to the known globalists the Clintons. The bottom line is that China will ultimately dictate global trade terms as they possess the largest manufacturing base, they decide what currency they will accept, and whose debt they will prop up. My parents lived through the Great Depression, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and everything else that happened through the early 2000s. In other words, if centralization is the problem, then decentralization is the answer. So, were testing the waters. US citizens are generally much softer today than they were in the 1920s. This is just common sense. Dont forget the mastermind or puppeteer behind the curtain i.e. With that in mind, take a look at this 10-minute compilation of mainstream media and entertainment figures dismissing the possibility of the China Virus coming from a bio lab as a right-wing "conspiracy theory.". The Great Depression on 1929 was not good, although the way many make it out sounds if Attila and the Huns had rampaged through the country, leaving nothing but death and destruction. What I have also noticed is that much of it is not new. Brandon Smith [ send him mail] is founder of the Alternative Market Project ( as well as the head writer and co-founder of Neithercorp Press. This article first appeared at the highly-recommended Alt-Market blog. Our job market is about the only thing keeping Americas economy off the ledge. You name it. And then, just to make things more complicated some people do some good things sometimes. The secret there is much more valuable. After the depression the value of that watch was probably 10 to 100 times greater. 2016 US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: The 2016 US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION contest between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton revealed much more than just a presidential winner, it exposed how the Marxist MAINSTREAM MEDIA mob -- and the LEFT-WING PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL followers of SOCIALISM and COMMUNISM that politically control the media, attempted to sway the election in favor of Clinton because she . We all survived Obama and many (as me) awakened then. Constantly consuming, meaning constantly buying things is not good as you are not buying what you really need, you are just buying. That is human nature. So, we're testing the waters. The globalists will fail albeit not before there is a lot of blood spilt. Thats right your computer solitaire has been stacking the deck even before it ever offered different skill levels. 2020 was the year of the planned COVID scamdemic, What they should be saying is dont invest in an IRA or 401k where its like buying a car that only drives forward with no reverse. China will reopen and is in process of doing that. Once you own it you will probably have to hang on to it for years before the recovery. This would be shockingly difficult. The reason why these analysts got it so wrong centers primarily on their misunderstanding of the true purpose behind the events. [12] Smith scored a 0.088 on a breath test. Japan and the UK have opted to support US interests, which is not surprising since China and Japan have hated each other for generations and the US is the UKs strongest economic partner in the wake of the Brexit. Looks like Elon Musk is sticking to his promises to make the platform more free and removing the leftist authoritarian moderators. Next Issue Of The Wild Bunch Dispatch: Drones How Big Of A Threat Are they? Maybe, the Chinese have just had enough of the lunatics in Beijing killing them slowly with pointless lockdowns for what even they know is just another flu-type virus. Brandon Smith of looks at current developments and concludes that globalists are closer than ever to developing and implementing tools of financial mass destruction. Yes, yeol cliche, the trend is your friendbut only if one understand trends. A One-Time Donation (You choose the amount): A $5 Dollar bill, a 5 Euro bill, a few Pre-1965 silver dimes, or a booklet of Forever U.S. postage stamps sent in the mail also works! Raising interest rates is proof of that. the BIS. Brandon Smith, founder of Alt-Market, a website to educate the public on facts, evidence and philosophies that the mainstream establishment refuses to discuss in an honest way. Whats wrong with George Noory late at night?!?! This will be a disaster for the US and people better keep stacking PMs or their fiat currency will become worthless. The judge has agreed to consider the motion and delayed the case.[13]. Get two people together anywhere on this earth and there is a fair chance they will conspire to do something nefarious. The response of central banks was to slow the crash using stimulus measures and near zero interest rates, but this strategy was not meant to reverse US economic decline. Two is one and one is none. What I learned from them, relatives and family friends that also lived through those times is that if you prepare you can live through most anything that happens. I could continue and walk back further and further in history. There is a limit in size, scope and length of time before things unravel. If you would like to support the work that Alt-Market does while also receiving content on advanced tactics for defeating the globalist agenda, subscribe to our exclusive newsletter The Wild Bunch Dispatch. If everyone is buying diamonds and all the talk is about diamonds then dont buy diamonds but if you have diamonds sell them. The globalists are the only group that stands to gain from such catastrophe, as war with Iran would seal the fate of the US economy. This website (, is the sister website to, which Brandon is keeping up as an archive site for people that would like to read all of my older articles. Background [ edit] Born in Hazard, Smith is a 1991 graduate of the University of Kentucky with a B.A. Ads are what helps us bring you premium content. [1], Independent US conservative journalist and activist, By using the servers, you agree to its use of cookies,, Layered over this I see incompetence. Looks like So what is the strategy? Our corrupt ancestors gave our national credit cards to Cabalist Jewish bankers who are expanding their monopoly over credit and currency creation into a monopoly over literally everything. Please let others know they too can trust SurvivalBlog for the most reliable and practical survival information by voting for SurvivalBlog on Kidding aside, I do believe people conspire. When it does, the attack will be far larger than cutting off purchases of US agricultural goods. This cost is going to be far too high and buybacks will falter. Murder and death rates there are outta-sight. Now back to real life. No empire ever stands forever. It will, starting next month. Think about the times the deal would show all red cards but maybe one and the turnover would show mostly red cards but the black ones just wouldnt play. Alt-Market is about freedom, in the purest sense, and we stand against those that are working relentlessly to undermine our most fundamental values. He was elected to District 84 of the Commonwealth of Kentucky House of Representatives in 2000, unseating Democratic incumbent Scott Alexander from Hazard Kentucky. From my investment strategies Im *hoping* for a market crash. Inflation is not going anywhere anytime soon The US market is only 18% of Chinese exports, a sizable piece of the pie, but hardly a devastating blow to the Chinese economy should it be denied to them. This would explain why US equities are struggling to stay afloat despite the fact that corporate buybacks of stocks have increased to historic highs in 2019. From Brandon Smith at In July of this year in my article 'Election 2020: The Worst Case Scenario Is The Most Likely One', after I outlined the strange factors surrounding Biden and Trump, I stated that: "These factors and more lead me to predict that Election So what is the strategy? Brandon Smith is founder of the Alternative Market Project ( as well as the head writer and co-founder of Neithercorp Press. I have plenty to do here on the farm. You are right few talk about the real cause. He is an actor, known for Powder (1995), Jeepers Creepers (2001) and Bernie (2011). I think there can be some pretty fair size conspiracies but I think Mr. Smiths may exceed the practical limit. My birth mom is a big fan of this board and keeps me posted on what to look for. I had only been writing economic analysis for about a year, but I remember thinking that the overt display of optimism felt like compensation for something. Dont believe it? All that sin stuff. He is married to Margaret Laurence. Perspicacious? Smith's lawyer requested that the charges be missed based on an 1891 addition to the state constitution:[13]. He began SurvivalBlog in 2005. But for the correct opponents. Brandon Smith is the Founder of Alt-Market. The 1% excise tax added on top of a 5% Fed funds rate creates a 6% millstone on any money borrowed to finance future buybacks. They are giving the smarter people a little more, perhaps enough more to keep them happy. He is a Presbyterian and a Freemason. If you know jewelry then buy jewelry, again knowing that it wont appreciate until after the recovery. In fact, there are times when they deliberately ENGINEER collapse. Chinese Spy Balloons: Potential Purposes For The High Altitude Invasion, Next Issue Of The Wild Bunch Dispatch: Emergency Medical Preps For Grid Down Scenarios, A Dollar Collapse Is Now In Motion Saudi Arabia Signals The End Of Petro Status, Banking Institutions Quietly Admit To Inevitable Recession Implosion In 2023, The Gas Stove Scare Is A Fraud Created By Climate Change Authoritarians, The Digitization Of Humanity Shows Why The Globalist Agenda Is Evil. Large chunks of the world are already telling Davos to get lost. You cannot eat a gold watch so if you dont have the cash to buy it and still support yourself for ten years while you wait for it to appreciate then dont do it. There are other factors to consider, though. There will be times, cyclical events where the game is turned upside down. [2] and served there until February 5, 2008, when he was elected in a special election to the 30th district (Bell, Breathitt, Johnson, Leslie, Magoffin and Perry counties) of the Commonwealth Senate, to replace Daniel Mongiardo, newly elected as Lieutenant Governor of Kentucky (and himself a Hazard native and resident). Brandon Smith: Anti-Globalism Is Going Mainstream - Which Means Engineered Disaster Is About To Strike Sep 29, 2022 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email MySpace Copy Link Share By Brandon Smith | They thought they had us peasants by the scruff of the neck and that their agenda was all but assured. And as you wrote in one of your previous articles a few years ago, Brandon: The worst part is that the central bankers know exactly what they are doing. Right, clearly! Trump, the Mango Mussolini as the wonderful Bill Buppert calls him. Needless to say we do know what the Bible says, one currency, one ruler, hard times. We greatly appreciate your support to help keep this blog up and running! (OK, I had to look it up) Just go back and read what he has written (and predicted) since 2010. When you read this piece by Paul Craig Roberts, you cant help but come to the conclusion that Putin is in on the game. Oppressing each other. You provide very good information on all the of the same things that have happened in the past, that people are concerned about today. Let us hope and pray that Trump is not just speed bump for the globalists. Make sure your own economy doesnt crash when THE economy crashes. Since the crash of 2008, the US has been suffering a slow grinding decline in fundamentals (the collapse of an empire often takes time). and when people get wise and stop doing such foolishness, M2 doesnt grow as fast. The Fed is doing EXACTLY as it is told by the IMF, which has been demanding that they continue to RAISE RATES: Use your knowledge and your common sense. They can eat their widgets, as was noted earlier, we produce enough food for billions and dont need the Chinese to buy it. Sovereignty activists will cheer the Brexit outcome, and then things will start to go horribly wrong. A loaf of bread American-style bread is about 7 dollars. Alt-Market Winter Donation Drive! Sure that can happen by random but think about how often this or a similar dead end game would be dealt. Its too bad that PCR hasnt figured it out yet. Consumers, Wall Street bankers, and everything else that happened through early. It wont appreciate until after the Depression the value of that watch was probably 10 to 100 times greater my... Us will gain the majority of global support and crush China truth the... ( ism? ) that your physical cash is safe it much you will probably to. 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