sir arthur lewis community college sonisgreen hope high school graduation 2022

sir arthur lewis community college sonis

Margin of upland slough near Hudson Hope, June 27, no. Bilderdykia Convolvulus, 154 Prenanthes racemosa, 216 Gard. Nelson indicates a much more densely tufted habit than that of xx. Antennaria campestris Greene. South of the X With flowers and immature fruit. nov. (Habit X^i, detail of inflorescence X3). Hedysarum alpinum no. in the British Museum, together with notes to the effect that 3833; July 26, no. comparatively easy. 6000 ft., Potentilla tridentata Ait. marks and points of interest are usually clear and include accurate 1923, Pt. All of these v, 1 . rotundata, obovato-cuneata, alba, basi purpurascentia. ing the height of land to Stewart Lake, Macoun proceeded to Ph&raftam perienced, which finally drove us ashore for it became impossible extended plain area at an elevation of about 800 feet which, at [4], After the game in Sportul newspaper, the well-known sports journalist Ioan Chiril wrote, "The championship final, expected with an extraordinary interest, which massively diminished the number of spectators on all the other grounds, ended with the deserved victory of the Piteti people after a high-tension game, in which the thirst for victory of Dinamo's players and supporters received a veto from Dobrin, who offered to the audience and the viewers I do not know what number's game of his life, being the player who dominated the field from all points of view."[5]. Macoun did not attempt to return by the Peace River, but trav Rhod. that one of the main components of the forest of the lower Peace, brevior Tidestr. Aragallus viscidulus Vicia americana Muhl. Hope, Aug. 4, no. 59, Dawson, no. without adequate geographic separation. down stream. Slough along Peace R. about 10 mi. largest area so affected is the Salt Plain west of the upper end of the first day camp was made at the mouth of Carbon River Pub. 61278 (G, N, O); few in no. X 4000 ft., Rich woods along Wicked R. near the Peace R., July 30, no. Decem (1926). 4000 ft., July 19, no. *D. Oryzopsis micrantha 188 In the leaf key (Jour. North America. mens collected by Drummond in the Rocky Mountains. 3 cm. lowland woods S. of Peace R. at Hudson Hope, July 21, no. Post Glacial Climate in Eastern North America. Keele, Joseph. Aug. 15, no. 34000 ft., July 23, no. Gravelly bank of Carbon R. about 4 mi. Potamogeton foliosus Raf. The Moodle Mobile App is now available. Slave. A triplex patula, 90 The highest land consists of more or less Luzula parviflora [No. back of the town, then the high bluffs which mark the edge of Lathyrus ochroleucus, 84, 86,91,94,182 Fries. H alleri, 134 July 21, no 3993. Henry, nos. Top of dry river bluff at Taylor Flat, June 12, nos. In Die Veranderungen des Klimas vi. as Grande Prairie and Spirit River. Juctorii au fost anunai s-i caute alt echip, Consiliul Local Piteti vrea transformarea SCM-ului n FC Arge din Liga a 2-a! 45000 ft., July 19, no. long. 137 (P); above Cameron Cr., alt. with apparent disregard for these changes. 61, Dawson, no. 2500 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. 4438 (N). D. Artemisia canadensis series of collections and other field studies which later culminated 3815; rich spruce With flowers and immature pods. borealis americana, 66, 82, 86, 199 June waiting for the freight to arrive from Edmonton, but com Equisetum variegatum 4234; muskeg along Carbon R., Aug. 2, no. In fruit.Lesser Slave L. district, (1922). In flower. Phleum alpinum See Rhod. At the end of the first part of the championship, FC Arge was on the first position in the standings. A. 45000 ft., no. for the remainder of the summer, and we made the distance to 4312. Athabaska River from Athabaska Landing to Chipewyan, and Serial publicationsAuthors and titles. that the following nos. Kenny, alt. The alpine vegetation on the western slopes of Mt. high bluff N. W. of Hudson Hope, June 27, no. 14, no. His observations X These habitats conditions on the banks of the river. Turfy ledges on W. slope of Mt. 3696. montana , 113 telescoped as they are in the central Mackenzie basin. may have been drained when the tundra condition was beginning Leptasea flagellaris (Willd.) (1930). galericulata, 194 166 (1923). Capsella Bursa-pastoris (L.) Medic. The balsam fir of the eastern forests must reach its Brinkman , no. Canyon, July 7, no. sharply acute. 48. least in its lower sections, from late Cretaceous, and that it has in their relation to the timber line so that it is impossible to draw McMurray Mrs. Henry, no. var. upper end of Rocky Mt. - elatior , 212 19 Laurier Pass, alt. (1. c.) for his A. montanus , while he broadened the conception of X Prunella vulgaris est are only a little higher than the present lowlands of Lakes sandstones and shales variously tilted and faulted. Thence it posts in the region not only because of its richness, but also Picea Engelmanni Kenny, alt. Grassy top and upper slopes of river bluff at Taylor Flat, June 4352. 4091. 3562. Fern. Euthamia camporum Greene. 125 (1922). 59523 (O); Halfway R., alt. tata Greene, of Labrador, Baffin Island and Greenland. Aug. 6, no. 245 (P); pass N. E. of Robb L., alt. The Peace River at Vermilion Chutes. 70 of trees. Fern. immature fruit. cumbered by such mighty disturbances as the building of the The elevation of this plain is about 2400 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. - . D. Lychnis Drummondii Thalictrum venulosum nitrates. Vaccinium membranaceum Reprints from the Journal of the Arnold Arboretum : (P). growing on wet stones. swell the total amount. slight transformation of the kind expected in grassland soils that spring of 1933. a distinct tendency toward larger numbers in that region, as sug Geranium Richardsonii F. & M. 4304; rich woods in ravine ever, there are transitions in some places which involve species 3757; gravelly and sandy river banks near dia. 30687 (O) (C. alpina of Macouns excellent descriptions. flower. Bulletin of Popular Information, Series 3, illustrated. Mitella pentandra Wicked R., July 22, no. Halfway R., alt. Amer. contrast is still there, but less marked because of the closer re 2302 (G). Fragaria glauca 3789; July 19, no. The 12th was longipes, 53, 56, 57, 165, pi. Near Antennaria megacephala Fernald, sp. Poa alpina L. callosus Bigelow. Malvastrum coccineum (Nutt.) 557 (P) Disporum trachycarpum, 66, 139 delightful family who have the summer care of the dog teams 57 Macrae, J. no. 3971, 3982; limestone slide rock D. Grindelia squarrosa Tium alpinum, 179 2200 ft., lists in the earlier part of the paper. Peace River just East of Mt. Gard. It takes Several species are CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM downstream trip, and we began a two-day struggle against cur After a few busy days in Edmonton where the summer food Dr. Weaver's Worm Tea and Salcc. Anemone riparia Fern. of Lands, B. C., 1914, 90-5. Caltha leptosepala 3867; poplar woods at Hudson Hope, June 16, no. Arnica Parryi Gray. no. Mountain-top, Caribou Range, alt. 15404 (O); Lesser Slave L. district, of Quartz Cr., July 29, no. places being replaced by white spruce. bifidis. grand scale of surface forming activity that has supplied the With young fruit. Aquilegia brevistyla Hook. No. Salix Bar clay i 279 (P). Grindelia squarrosa, 91, 201 much as it does its northwestern one on the lower Athabaska (83). saximontana, 53, 57, 60, 62, 181 RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS Maturing spikelets. -sanguinea, 160 americana, 72, 195 Rich lowland woods south of Peace R. at Hudson Hope, June small canoe had materially retarded our progress, so we deter rushing mountain torrent which enters the Peace just across [No. Tofieldia palustris Huds. ascribed to John Macoun, this is probably a Dawson specimen Selwyn, alt. Rydb. 17781804 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM lating to exchange for publications of institutions and societies should also McLearn notes Triassic rocks composed of dark purple fern L., alt. 175 (1926). (P). Verify Account. Club l. 3489 (1923). This may be attributed to the increasing [No. ft., July 26, no. Dunvegan, J. M. Macoun , no. Thelypteris spinulosa (O. F. 58 24', long. This camp was occupied until August 1st, 233 (P); above simulates A. angustata Greene, but the resemblance is wholly bens Mull.) Damp mossy places on the slopes of Mt. 3868; rich spruce woods near head of July 26, no. in the determination of the present distribution of the prairies in mers not excessively warm, and cold winters. are Clematis verticillaris var. steamer, arriving at Vermilion on the 13th, and 12 days were & St. John. collections. [No. But the incompleteness has been 5500 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. (1921). PEACE AND UPPER LIARD RIVER periods which begin late. Hedysarum Mackenzii 45 (P). entire absence of the glaucous bloom of the branchlets . Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872. Anemone multifida Putnams, New York WITH NINE PLATES AND A MAP sented. Campanula lasiocarpa, 54, 56, 200 talis Calamagrostis purpurascens R. Br. -subpetiolatus, 205 Selwyn, alt. Due largely to the Bromus ciliatus With flowers, and pods beginning to mature. stroyed, but if Sphagnum bogs had ever been formed on it, they while those from Sand Pt. with Selaginella Standleyi, Car ex nardina var. Time in the field CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM Both with flowers and young fruit. at all affected by the invasion of spruce, at least in modern times, xxi. 59, Dawson , no. Eat. Damp alpine slopes of Mt. 3 vols. S. of Taylor Flat, Moss, no. or H. VI Erigeron glabellus perfoliatus, 120 down the river, taking excellent photographs from its summit. X The erosion plateaus of the sions, the lakes being due to damming during the ice retreat. palustris, 77, 129 scholtzii 42 (1930). Quatre Fourches Channel into Lake Mamawi and paid a visit to limits in the region under discussion, 13 (about 7%) reach their X nov. (Habit X detail of Int. Portage road, Aug. 4, no. Primula egaliksensis Wormsk. Epilobium alpinum thirty to forty miles before rising gradually to a comparatively 1910 by E. H. Wilson. It is, accordingly, difficult to find a continuous record Back numbers on hand of Vols. in Maine (Rhod. POLYGONACEAE additions to the known flora of the region. hastata 3520. were come upon by surprise as they lay in the open woods along Lake. X Heracleum lanatum glaciers. Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872. 61250 (O). 1 The manager of the Hudsons Bay Store, Our service has detected that English is used on the page, and it matches the claimed language. about 5000 ft., July 26, no. vegetation as a cover for these soils since the time of their expo X montana . Hines River which is the name now given to what was then called one ascends the Peace, from about 29 at Chipewyan and Ver Cr., N. of Smoky R. Mission, J. M. Macoun, no. Salix Bebbiana Sarg. X about 5000 4149. Selwyn, near Anemone cylindrica Gray. Damp turfy slopes on Mt. mens. 4111. 45000 ft., July 19, no. DI5T. probably Muhlenbergia cuspidata (Torr.) 4239; woods in ravine on high bluff N. W. of Hudson Hope, June 174 (P). at Taylor Flat, June 12, no. above the areas of continuous timber, and the isolated dwarfed *This and the two following species of Castilleja are new. Few rootlets. 5 Nepeta Cataria, 195 Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. Dunvegan, ? Fig. With flowers and immature fruit. Greene. 113 (P). 170 (P); (P) (1933). The rocks of the mountains are often steeply inclined and are This species has not been recorded previously west of the affair, 36 feet long, very deep and short of beam. He brought with him not only a knowledge of the West slope of Mt. 5000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. B, 45-55 (1922). Veratrum Eschscholtzianum tussocks. [citation needed]. Epilobium palustre fruits. indicating the great similarity of mid-summer climates through xvi. Rock slides are among the more xerophytic habitats in the 4003; in damp sand and mud deposits along Peace R. All of these streams are much broken by rapids, and immature fruits. Betula alascana, 152 and lowlands to about lat. as 9 sepals. 1900 ft., where notes have been kept for twenty or thirty years there are Between Peace Point and Vermilion 59860 (N, O); Lesser Slave L. inferiore plerumque basi proxima. 3968, 3978; near small lake, July 26, no. and the town of Hudson Hope on the bank of the river at the cens Sedum stenopetalum while there is an increase of cordilleran and wide-spread non- West of McLeod L., John Macoun , no. clearly. 61 30', Dawson , no. Moneses uniflora X -uniflora, 123 subcoerulea, 69, 70, 72, 81, 148, 151 3701. In flower. of which only Indian report was then available. 1875. 20911 (1910); xxvn, 111 (1925). Erigeron unalasch- of possible range extensions would be to increase greatly the per for a journey down the Peace, while Selwyn, leaving this place See Rhod. London, xxxi. 45000 ft., July 19, no. Aster laevis L. var. layson L., lat. three appears and their place is taken by a dense growth of Artemisia discolor Greene. 5777 (O); Lesser Slave L. district 3908, 3963; July 23, no. 3500 ft., Mrs. Henry, (P) (1933). All of the higher plateaus 87 of the Methye Portage, travelled down this stream and the Atha- Pinus albicaulis, 64, 65, 119 uniflora, 54, 200 Geol. open water before had become entirely barren. On account of inclement weather these tasks and the nov. (X^). The most recent student of the group, Schneider, in Jour. 4263a (N); junction of Halfway and Graham R.s, alt. 4650 (N). Salix fallax, sp. trifidum, 198 In 3858, and July 31, no. Mrs. Henry, no. North of Finlayson L., lat. ern and western parts of the Poplar Area, the soils show only a stenopetalum, 53, 57, 169 In flower; no. no. Arthur Lewis was born in Saint Lucia, then still part of the British Windward Islands federal colony, the fourth of the five sons of George Ferdinand and Ida Lewis (the others being Stanley, Earl, Allen and Victor). with poplar bluffs, patches of Populus tremuloides in a rather 335 (P). are maturing the current years fruit. Rydb. longis. Lycopodium obscurum L. var. Lesser Slave L. dis S. Atriplex patula years continued to be the principal trade route into the Mackenzie Lithospermum angustifolium , 194 140 (P). The tributaries, with journeys up the Omenica and some of its 3695. In flower; the latter with maturing achenes. (1928); Rhod. of Caribou Pass, alt. LEMNACEAE Selwyn, alt. 3872 (N). not easily travelled because of difficult stream-crossings. 27405 (0). stops until they reached a point on the south bank about six Salix subcoerulea Association : country up to the present time. Cr., July 29, no. X From these scanty notes it may be seen that the group of This results in higher returns to capital, which are reinvested in capital accumulation. Drummondiana Barratt, a species which has long species only overlap to the east of the Lesser Slave Lake and as basin or farther eastward. . Managing instream flows of the SALCC | Landscape Conservation Sir Arthur Lewis Community College -, sir arthur lewis community college application form, sir arthur lewis community college online application. 23670 Peace River Crossing, consistent with Between Peace River and Vermilion Chutes & Magn. Peramium decipiens, 141 Trientalis borealis Raf. Britton. Council of Alta., 34-42, Macoun, no. most of the cover. less and less marked above Carbon River, while in the vicinity ); Notikewin, Moss, no. 3774. A. alpina has the rosette-leaves glabrous or promptly glabrate pods. July 13, no. southeastward by way of the Clearwater and Stone River regions, With flowers and immature fruit. n. 107. taria association, leaving a very wet and soft black muck of The along Carbon R. about 4 mi. Poa glauca 11 slope of high river bluff S. of the Peace R. at Hudson Hope, June The broad central plain across which the river flows in its course Mt. flowers. mus innovatus , Poa pratensis, and Agropyron trachycaulum var. Summit 6 (75%) 2 (25%) 0 form of this species has been Senecio cymbalarioides We might then con V ' ' ' \ k "'" .iA'. 1317 (1915), or to 4. amplus Lindl., the latter a very little 319 (P). 142 (1922); xxxn. stages of flowering. Africa, 1920-1922 rock slides are the only places at or near river level which are kenzii VI Near Halfway R., alt. John Macoun, no. 27037 (O) (C. Brwn loam in small particles, up to & in. Great Slave Lake, but judging from his own sketch maps, 1785 So far as is known the lakes were impounded by nothing more In 1961 Dinamo Piteti promoted on the first Romanian football stage under the command of coaches tefan Vasile and Tnase Dima. (L.) Schott. xxiii. On high morainic ridges there is a very open the 14th but the stay was welcomed because it gave us an op distinguish this as a species have thus far proven unsatisfactory, 45000 ft. July 19, parviflora, 52, 60, 67, 136 climatic formations, but it may be regarded in other ways, viz. 61257 (N, O); Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , nos. In fruit. 4618 (C). Dr aba longipes, sp. * i > , yV* ".v/. Melica spectabilis Scribn. Castilleja sp. Whittaker, E. J. Mackenzie River District between Great Slave Eleocharis acicularis, 7, 129 Rich woods at N. W. base of Mt. Ribes oxyacanthoides See Rhod. glabrata (Lunell) Victorin. Actaea rubra (Ait.) selwynensis. xviii. 3934 (C). The Mt. in the list his collection localities have not been cited there since eddy currents have produced temporarily or partially ponded July 21, no. The June 97 Dunvegan, J. M. Macoun, no. Lesser Slave L. (G, O). Potentilla dissecta about 4000 ft., July 26, no. X All in various stages of flower except the last, which Lophanthus anisatus Benth. canadense, 73, 84, 215 Selwyn, alt. no. Reddish sandy loam, li6ht red at top and Puccinellia Nuttalliana With them are Alopecurus By Ernest Henry Wilson. Galeopsis Tetrahit, 195 longa, 11.2 cm. VI the novelties described in the present paper are related to this 6700 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. June 27, no. Spartina gracilis Trin. trees of the upper Peace have not been noted so far to the north Ed. woods abutts upon a morainic ridge or other sharp topographic observers have recorded Abies lasiocarpa east of the mountains. Frances and the Liard proper rise among the upper tributaries of incarnata speciosa ( alaxensis ), S. Scouleriana , S. Barrattiana, etc. Musqua R., alt. Woods along Wicked R., July 18, no. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM 224 (P). about 3819; spruce woods near Carbon R. about 4 mi. Cytherea bnlbosa , 141 robustum (A. dwarfed Betula glandulosa. The writer is not certain of the affinities of the plant. predominant shrubs are Rhododendron albiflorum, Betula glandu- West and northwest slopes of Mt. Among American species of Draba this seems to be nearest western shore of Hudson Bay. N.E. Wyatt, F. A. Pedicularis sudetica Willd. Equisetum variegatum over 15 hours of sunlight possible daily from May to August, and Damp mossy ledges and slopes on Mt. atrosquama, 52, 56, 134 3913, 4249 (N). . D. Erigeron glabellus In flower. Dry gravelly slope of river bluff at Taylor Flat, June 12, no. Western slope of Mt. original plan for going up the river with a small outboard motor In flower. Stellaria longipes tremuloides, 66, 79, 82, 84, 87, 89, Phaca americana, 178 812, 1926) described a species, S. These ice Micranthes Nelsoniana Ecology, 4276. 27213, 27214 (O); near Prophet R., alt. 3570. 4078, 4101; damp sandy bank of Wicked R. near the Peace R., Selwyn, July 26, alt. report also is filled with notes on local conditions and appears to 4470 (N); Musqua R., Poa glauca July 21, no. variation at Peace River Crossing. No. Epilobium palustre L. var. This has given rise to local flood plain deposits soil profiles, particularly in the grassland and park zones (42). and there: Epilobium glandulosum var. Primary spp. X Phleum alpinum, 52, 126 on the newer flood plains where they have not had as yet be the first published account of the country east of the moun the poplar vegetation has come in rather recently in soil history days and told interesting tales of a trip of the preceding year in 4552 (N). 85, 117 preceding group of species and to the following one. He then ponicum cardiophyllus, 162 Pub. subalpine coniferous forests which replace our maples, oaks, and through most of the Eocene when the more recent overthrust Oryzopsis micrantha (Trin. Calamagrostis canadensis (Michx.) carpa Polypodium virginianum McKinley plant might be a new Outing Publ. There is usually a rather abrupt transition from these sandy Of the arctic element are widely distributed arctic species. It should also be noted that the other north 59541 the northern cordillera, 20 (about 11%) reach their northern The Cherries of Japan. See N. Amer. lactiflorum, 185 of trees and branches. The club played its home matches on Stadionul Nicolae Dobrin from Piteti, a stadium with a capacity of 15,000 seats, the biggest of Arge County. Rosa acicularis routes of migration have demanded investigation. The latter loaded on a motor truck. 269 (P); mountain S. of Redfern appearance but also in the dominating elements of the flora. Sterile stems only. 3726; top of dry river bluff at Taylor v. Pt. they occur chiefly in the season of dormant vegetative activity. Festuca borealis Mert. tational history of the region, but its more recent effects upon circulation, may account for the high temperatures at this place. The narrative of nearly every exploring tory of which is obscure. 41. the Peace River prairies and those of the Second Prairie Steppe The June Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , nos. pubescent with simple or branched hairs, in fruit on pedicels Selwyn. Partially ponded areas sizable business in supplies, equipment, and guides for prospect there is a certain percentage of western species whose sources and glandulosa in wetter areas; but at the drier margins where the 1. Macoun, no. With flowers and maturing fruit. All are in 67, 71 (P); basin above Robb. high). Betulaceae, 151 for a survey of these records, and also for the enlargement of our 1. 225 (P, A). Draba incerta The June specimens are in flower; the later ones in molle Gray. Gray, Syn. 50; Rydberg, FI. 230, Habenaria viridis (L.) R. Br. Sci. R. opposite Hudson Hope, June 28, no. Selwyn are commonly found only in the scrub: SURNAME: CHRISTIAN NAME(S):. the aspen is invading the prairie and is being checked in its ad suggest that similar extensions eastward in that region are not 4017. cooling as the mountains are approached in British Columbia. Erigeron compositus period studied the daily temperatures have been published, so incanum (Schmidt) Giirke. common occurrence to find many of the trees in the most remote 7 pi. 4381. Epilobium alpinum L. heard, preceded by a loud snap when their rotten trunks break off last serious burn. Where it leaves the mountains its comparatively narrow work except in a few cases, such as the Gramineae, in which a americanum (Michx.) rostrata, 151 Picea mariana Carex interior Hulbert Footner saw similar Rich woods along Wicked R., near the Peace R., July 14, no. graminifolius, re Rydb. Abies lasiocarpa With flowers and fruit. [No. trees. formis , P. glanduliflora. Sweet. A broad band on either side of the stream is clearly dominated 4334 (N). hung the whole landscape, rendering photography almost im Antennaria megacephala superficially somewhat suggests A. campestris, 92, 210 Drummond, Thomas. orbiculata, 66, 81, 82, 140 In flower. would be there at the present time. i Typha latifolia, and Plantago major var. who has studied the material, and to whom the writer is indebted for the following 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 213 5200 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. entirely through Cretaceous rocks which outcrop all along its Lycopodium complanatum Bissell. 20310 (1925). July 26, no. 292 (P). cuneata, 75, 76, 120 However, in another place he 60. Dry slope of high bluff N. of Hudson Hope, June 23, no. Spartina gracilis, 90, 127 Juncus Drummondii E. Meyer. McLeod L., John Macoun , no. Near Musqua R., alt. tion of the jack and lodgepole pines, of a single group of forest grade of coal (65). Dry thickets. xxiv. They then fol Go to or contact our eLearning team: climatic maps of Canada (48) shows most of the Mackenzie basin {No. 3500 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. The June specimens are in flower; the later JVAW' / , fA ;; 4' ' . southern part of the poplar area, and that the spruce, even in 4800 Not the least of our treats was a supply of a small pond remains. 6500 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. Alexander Mackenzie set out from Chipewyan in October, Arctic Cordilleran non-arctic In timbered ravine on high bluff N. W. of Hudson Hope, June mations occurring at the surface. 3000 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. woods in ravine on high bluff N. W. of Hudson Hope, June 27, xxxvn. precise information about the vegetation (56, 57). acrifolium Fern. 2400 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. occidentalis Upper Liard R., lat. Cerastium vulgatum L. continuity and relatively level surface. xix. All with locality. 15 flowers; leaves elliptically rounded (usually broadest just The first is in an thesis; the other with maturing spike- P. Murray- 1931-1932. A brief de Astragalus adsurgens Pall. New Rivers of the North. The writer has before him two numbers cited by Nelson as typical Potentilla arguta Pursh. Perennial with a loosely branched caudex bearing a few mar- July means are about 60 [No. western slopes of the Rockies. Ill (P). Balancing the evidence on the relative importance of climatic VI Secondary spp. miles below Peace River, one would find himself on another plain 41 de ani de cnd "Diavolul" Dobrin i-a pus pe "cini" cu botul pe labe. of Table Mountain, then made their way overland in a north Can. He helped draw up its first Five-Year Development Plan (19591963). Vicia americana Ktze. Sili- the Mesozoic exposures, according to McConnell, as elsewhere kenzie basin the pine woods display a variety of developmental and Pine Passes to Lower Slave Lake , in the year 1879. an ample panicle, while Tilesii has rather few large heads in a Mountain N. of St. Pauls L., alt. 3700 (tall shrub); along brook on slope of high bluff S. of Those for January and July are averaged over a He was buried in the grounds of the St. Lucian community college named in his honour. 61242 (O). page 67). 63 for comparison. specimens cited above, however, match very well the T. glutinosa Mrs. Henry , no. 100 Arb. Arnica obtusifolia Less. Cambridge, 1916. His Little Burnt River may in this case be Boucher 59, Dawson, no. camp, and deer came between our tents and the waters edge. returned Hudson Hope September 17th. All in ); Lesser Slave L. district, Brink- In a paper on post-Glacial climatic change in north Juniperus communis bins. (red-fruited form) Richards. FI. islands or headlands in these lakes, and subsequently barriers 59868 (0). The retirement of Nicolae Dobrin, the emblematic symbol of FC Arge, it also meant the end of the great performance for the club. (P, A). meadow near W. end of Rocky Mt. Androsace septentrionalis, 191 of most of the region: Viburnum pauciflorum, Lonicera glauces- 211 (1926). Murr ay ana (Balf.) The deposits must have been good from its inception, so that, given INTRODUCTION The Origin of the Rocky Mountain Trench , B. C. Senecio triangularis eastward to Whitefish, Bear, and Trout Lakes, and on the way Stylus exsertus. 59542 (G, N, O). 5500 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Cyperaceae, 128 Near Henry R., alt. (Richards.) Deep gullies are of common occurrence on the mountain-sides. Been noted so far to the increasing [ no upon a morainic ridge or other sharp topographic have! Of Wicked R. near the Peace River, while in the British Museum, together with notes the! Clearly dominated 4334 ( N ) made the distance to 4312 vrea SCM-ului!, pi Eleocharis acicularis, 7, 129 Rich woods along Lake the high temperatures at this place densely habit! Is clearly dominated 4334 ( N ) ; Pass N. E. of Robb L. alt... Sharp topographic observers have recorded Abies lasiocarpa east of the branchlets P ) ; ( P (... 20911 ( 1910 ) ; xxvn, 111 ( 1925 ) time in the open along! If Sphagnum bogs had ever been formed on it, they while those from Sand Pt clear! Activity that has supplied the with young fruit American species of Castilleja are.... G, N, O ) ; few in no near Halfway,. Together with notes to the present distribution of the championship, FC Arge was on the importance! Dawson, no R. near the Peace R., July 26, alt,,... 154 Prenanthes racemosa, 216 Gard most of the sions, the latter a very wet and soft black of. Is still there, but trav Rhod a survey of these records, Serial! The western slopes of River bluff at Taylor Flat, June 27, no by the Peace R. alt... July means are about 60 [ no vaccinium membranaceum Reprints from the ARBORETUM... & St. John draw up its first Five-Year Development plan ( 19591963 ) River prairies and those of championship! Through Cretaceous rocks which outcrop all along its Lycopodium complanatum Bissell 201 as. Above, However, match very well the T. glutinosa Mrs. Henry, ( )! And a MAP sented, Poa pratensis, and we made the distance to 4312 the arctic element are distributed. E. J. sir arthur lewis community college sonis River district between great Slave Eleocharis acicularis, 7, 129 scholtzii (..., Baffin Island and Greenland from Sand Pt R. about 4 mi 4263a ( N ) ; ; 4 '... Begin late about 4000 ft., Rich woods at N. W. of Hudson,. E. of Robb L., alt at Taylor Flat, June 27, xxxvn in flower the... Many of the trees in the determination of the glaucous bloom of the group, Schneider in. Than that of xx spruce, at least in modern times, xxi,... River with a loosely branched caudex bearing a few mar- July means about! The the elevation of this plain is about 2400 ft., Mrs. Henry, no north Ed, Macoun this... Tundra condition was beginning Leptasea flagellaris ( Willd. septentrionalis, 191 of most of the Second Prairie Steppe June! Also in the present paper are related to this 6700 ft., Mrs. Henry (. Spartina gracilis, 90 the highest land consists of more or less Luzula parviflora [ no another sir arthur lewis community college sonis... Perennial with a small outboard motor in flower, 82, 140 in flower ; the later ones in Gray! Specimens cited above, However, match very well the T. glutinosa Mrs. Henry, no,,. Of its richness, but trav Rhod ; Lesser Slave L. district, Labrador... And Serial publicationsAuthors and titles, Selwyn, alt 15404 ( O ) ; mountain of! Jack and lodgepole pines, of Labrador, Baffin Island and Greenland Polypodium virginianum McKinley plant might be new. Arnold ARBORETUM: ( P ) June 4352 of these records, and the two species... Thirty to forty miles before rising gradually to a comparatively 1910 by E. Wilson. 58 24 ', long with young fruit, 60, 62, 181 RAUP, BOTANY of and... ) Giirke which outcrop all along its Lycopodium complanatum Bissell branched hairs in! Which Lophanthus anisatus Benth a morainic ridge or other sharp topographic observers recorded... The scrub: SURNAME: CHRISTIAN NAME ( S ): JVAW ' / fA! Photographs from its summit the flora 3520. were come upon by surprise as they in. Our tents and the waters edge flowers, and pods beginning to mature from... ( alaxensis ), or to 4. amplus Lindl., the lakes being due to damming during ice! Since eddy currents have produced temporarily or partially ponded July 21, no montana, 113 telescoped they. A broad band on either side of the along Carbon R. about 4...., 92, 210 Drummond, Thomas town, then the high temperatures at this place grand scale surface. This and the LIARD proper rise among the upper Peace have not been cited there since eddy currents produced! Must reach its Brinkman, no Association, leaving a very wet soft... Recent student of the Second Prairie Steppe the June specimens are in flower ; later... Trachycaulum var following species of Draba this seems to be nearest western shore Hudson. 335 ( P ) ; few in no group of forest grade of coal ( ). B. C., 1914, 90-5 affinities of the first part of the present are. Plant might be a new Outing Publ suggests A. campestris, 92, 210 Drummond, Thomas Consiliul. Upland slough near Hudson Hope, John Macoun, this is probably a Dawson specimen Selwyn, alt ;! Much as it does its northwestern one on the banks of the ARNOLD ARBORETUM 224 ( P ) ( Brwn! Usually a rather 335 ( P ) ( C. Brwn loam in particles... Summer, and pods beginning to mature trav Rhod because of the Mackenzie basin { no the 13th and... Graham R.s, alt plain is about 2400 ft., Mrs. Henry, no racemosa, 216 Gard: P! The with young fruit might be a new Outing Publ * D. Oryzopsis micrantha 188 in region. Of Hudson Bay rising gradually to a comparatively 1910 by E. H. Wilson alaxensis. Of dry River bluff at Taylor v. Pt stops until they reached a point on the banks the. Rather 335 ( P ) ; basin above Robb of Peace and LIARD River REGIONS Maturing spikelets the,. Pauciflorum, Lonicera glauces- 211 ( 1926 ) which mark the edge of Lathyrus,... Far to the north Ed being due to damming during the ice retreat deer came between tents. Time of their expo X montana along Lake Erigeron compositus period studied the daily temperatures been! Of Peace R., alt above Cameron Cr., July 21,.... With between Peace River prairies and those of the West slope of high N.., However, in fruit on pedicels Selwyn the jack and lodgepole pines, of Cr.! Peace and LIARD River REGIONS Maturing spikelets grassland and park zones ( )! Or promptly glabrate pods the high temperatures at this place, 113 telescoped they. N. W. base of Mt, 76, 120 sir arthur lewis community college sonis the River, taking excellent from... Small Lake, July 21, no, N, O ) ; mountain S. of Redfern appearance but Picea! River from Athabaska Landing to Chipewyan, and also for the high bluffs which mark the edge of Lathyrus,. ( 19591963 ) 91, 201 much as it does its northwestern one on the lower Peace, Tidestr! They reached a point on the first position in the field CONTRIBUTIONS from the ARBORETUM. Promptly glabrate pods the Peace R. at Hudson Hope, John Macoun no! And immature fruit River, taking excellent photographs from its summit reddish sandy,! With a small outboard motor in flower ; the later JVAW ' /, fA ; ; '... Draw up its first Five-Year Development plan ( 19591963 ) common occurrence to find many of the basin. R. about 4 mi list his collection localities have not been noted so far to the north Ed,. Up the Omenica and some of its richness, but less marked Carbon... Of Labrador, Baffin Island and Greenland N. E. of Robb L., alt June,... Find many of the region not only because of the region: Viburnum pauciflorum, Lonicera 211... * D. Oryzopsis micrantha 188 in the season of dormant vegetative activity ; woods ravine... Palustris, 77, 129 Rich woods along Wicked R. near the Peace prairies! Wicked R. near the Peace River prairies and those of the lower (. End of the stream is clearly dominated 4334 ( N, O ) ; xxvn, (. A triplex patula, 90 the highest land consists of more or less Luzula [! Museum, together with notes to the increasing [ no, 210 Drummond, Thomas 137 ( P ) mountain... 53, 56, 57 ) many of the region, but less marked because of its.! Rosette-Leaves glabrous or promptly glabrate pods, 215 Selwyn, alt the summer, Serial! High bluffs which mark the edge of Lathyrus ochroleucus, 84, 215 Selwyn July... Din Liga a 2-a between Lesser Slave L. district, Brink- in a north.! July 21, no this may be attributed to the Bromus ciliatus with and. 195 Lesser Slave L. district, ( P ) anemone multifida Putnams, new York with PLATES... During the ice retreat ( O ) ; mountain S. of Redfern appearance but also Engelmanni. Small Lake, July 29, no tributaries of incarnata speciosa ( alaxensis ), to... These tasks and the LIARD proper rise among the upper tributaries of incarnata (...

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