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dr crane phalloplasty lawsuit

You also hypothesize that perhaps they were aggressive and unpleasant and disturbing what is your evidence for that? Hi Rose, it looks Dr. Crane has hired a PR person, this latest video interviewed has 11 followere, but the kids wont investigate information. i had top with garramone in 13. The lawsuit against Dr. Crane arose because, while M alleged that he repeatedly told Dr. Crane and his staff that he did not need a vaginectomy and a scrotoplasty, those having already been performed by Dr. Meltzer in 2011, M stated that Dr. Crane over-rode his instructions and both cut into the area where Ms vagina had previously been, and damaged and dis-placed Ms scrotum (as discussed more fully below). Research has revealed some interesting facts and circumstances about Dr. Crane. 4thWaveNow contributor Worriedmom has practiced civil litigation for many years in federal and state courts. Please keep your remarks on topic and free of religious dogma of any kind. So we were at his mercy there was literally no one else to turn to. I think thats cool you like your phallo, but if u havent gotten one and you are saying this thats dangerious. In this case, the plaintiff sought to have a phalloplasty and the construction of a large, realistic-looking scrotum. However, the scrotum that the plaintiff was allegedly given by Dr. Crane was too small to contain even the smallest testicular implants. Would you like to guest post on this site? The Crane Center has wasted no time in accessing potential new patients, sending attractive representatives to attend such conferences as Gender Odyssey in San Diego and the Philadelphia Trans Wellness Conference, and sponsoring art festivals and pride events. Carter v. Crane, CGC-16-554254. In 2004, about six months after his social transition, M began treatment with male hormones. 1. M alleged that his out of pocket expenses for the September 2015 surgery with Dr. Crane were approximately $6,500, while his out of pocket expenses for the November 2017 surgery with Dr. Garcia were approximately $4,000, and he expected to spend about $4,000 more for the last surgery in the spring of 2018. Well, of course the the transgender outlets and the trans-focused MSM do not want to report on this because it could be the end of a lucrative business. We cant know. The softball approach that these men give to each other slays me, trying to humanize them when in fact, they are monsters. These are horrible outcomes, and its not just a lone person reporting them. Research has revealed some interesting facts and circumstances about Dr. Crane. (The insurance section of Dr. Cranes practices website also does not indicate that it is in-network with Kaiser Permanente.). Second and since youve come from abroad perhaps this isnt really your area but the number of malpractice lawsuits that have been filed against Dr. Crane is phenomenal for one doctor in such a short time period. This gets my goat. Not entirely, you can have the Phallos or Penis removed, but you have a vagiasectomy to get this procedure doneNo more Vagina..Its a horrible surgery and should be illegal or this Surgeon should have his medical license removed. A phalloplasty is done in a hospital under general anesthesia by a plastic surgeon and/or a urologist . I have a personal request which is very important. However, plaintiff claims a week after phalloplasty, he suffered numerous complications and needed to undergo multiple revision surgeries to the correct the complications of the procedure. Research has revealed some interesting facts and circumstances about Dr. Crane. Dr. Crane moved to Texas and no longer practices medicine in San Francisco, so if you're having surgery in San Francisco, it won't be with Crane. Thats what everyone should be focusing on. The plaintiff holds Crane responsible because the defendant allegedly failed to accurately advise him of the risks of the surgery and the complication rate. In other words, it does not appear that an independent arbiter has reviewed the facts of these cases and ruled on whether the care provided either complied, or did not comply, with established standards of care. This is not surprising, since over 90% of all medical malpractice cases never go to trial. It may be that Jacobs transgender story will, at some point, go dark. A review of the lawsuits pending against Dr. Crane reveals the following detail: Lewis Raynor and Haven Herrin v. Crane, CGC-17-556713. What we do know is that none of these dismissals appear to have been the result of a jury or other type of fact-finding proceeding that evaluated Dr. Cranes conduct and made any findings about negligence or malpractice. Comments are moderated. I wished this site was available before I had surgery with Crane. "The problem I have with going to the doctor is that they are self important and interrupt when the patient is talking. We ask, why are these actual injuries, suffered by actual transgender people, so much less important to the transgender community than such nebulous insults as mis-gendering, the inability to access a desired dressing room, or hurtful Tweets? As with the other actions listed above, this lawsuit also alleged malpractice in connection with genital surgery: Interestingly, the plaintiff in that case alleged that at the time he consulted Dr. Crane, Dr. Crane told him that none of his patients had ever had a serious complication from phalloplasty, that it was a safe procedure, and that only 5% of his patients have needed surgical repairs.. To be judged by anyone for any reason is just so sad especially your own community because you want to speak out about a botched surgery . The case does not appear to be set for trial. Doctor Crane is back in business, looking for more victims. I wonder how much Crane payed him to air this? Sure monetary settlements are great, but at what cost, the cost of someone else going through what you went through? This guy obviously doesnt understand who this monster really is. He graduated from UNIVERSITY OF IOWA in 2002. Radial Forearm Flap (RFF) Phalloplasty is the most common type of Phalloplasty. Although its difficult to find comprehensive statistics, a recent (2017) survey conducted by Medscape found that 55% of all practicing U.S. physicians have been sued at least once. Yes, this site and our comments and articles are so terrible, yet this site is the only place that cares enough to warn future patients away from Dr. Crane. email me if so, reply and we can trade emails. (OB/GYN, surgeon); Michael Safir, M.D. Looks like I just need to get my ass back over to Belgiumunless someone has someone else to recommend. You know that phrase tip of the iceberg? According to Carters complaint, the first surgery performed by Dr. Crane resulted in a perforated colon, which Dr. Crane first ignored and then failed to repair. Leadership Insights for the 21st Century This case also involved urology/surgical services provided as part of a female-to-male transition. Part 1 is here. Your comments are much more dangerous than any one on this site that is concerned out the early stage of transitioning. This is just horrifying Pied pipers wrapped in Rainbow Flags leading kids to Cluebergs surgery (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Clauberg). Its hard for me, personally, to understand wanting to have this surgery but regardless of my feelings, my heart truly goes out to all the young folks who have been so badly damaged here. Part 1 is here. But a San Francisco Superior Court record search for Doctors Thomas Satterwhite, Michael Safir, Richard Santucci, Ashley DeLeon, and Charles Lee, all surgical partners in Dr. Cranes practice, does not reveal any pending medical malpractice lawsuits for any of these doctors. In my opinion he should not have a medical license. Or, harmful care for some is outweighed by competent care for others? My honest review of Dr. Thomas Satterwhite, San Francisco, CA: https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/apkb4r/honest_review_of_dr_thomas_satterwhite_san/, Pingback: Catching up with renowned phalloplasty surgeon, Dr. Curtis Crane | 4thWaveNow. Metoidioplasty is a gender-affirming surgery procedure that is an alternative to Phalloplasty. The new penis would have a functioning urethra. strongly considering finding another surgon. Its harmful saying that this surgery is experimental and dangerous. In 2005, M received a bilateral mastectomy. 6 months post-op 6 months post-op - inside It was actually a huge stressor for many patients who booked with him there and then the team fell through (and so those on his books had to reschedule either for a later date when they got a new team on board or have to come to California. One more thing. The usa is more litigious culture than most others. Carter maintains a Tumblr blog and has written extensively about the many surgeries and lasting problems resulting from the original phalloplasty, including an ileostomy and the continued need for a colostomy bag. If the doctor is incompetent and has botched these surgeries, thats one thing, but if not and these are down to other reasons, then what can you do? You seem to be reaching to figure out any possible way to blame them for their own misfortune. Its harmful to minimize it. Curtis Crane also does nullo procedures for men who want the smooth barbie doll look. Stage is a complex concept because it means different things to different people. In April 2016, M underwent a phallus shortening procedure, which involved telescoping entire phallus into suprapubic area. In November 2017 M went to Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles and received a urethroplasty in a two-stage procedure, to close the neourethra which was placed by Dr. Crane. From interrogatory answers filed in the Raynor case, cited above, we do know something about Dr. Cranes professional liability and medical malpractice coverage in 2016, the date the malpractice alleged in that case was claimed to have occurred (see Motion for Relief from Waiver of Discovery Objections dated April 16, 2018, Declaration of Corban J. Porter and Exhibit D thereto): Private settlement agreements also typically include NDA (or non-disclosure agreement) provisions, in which the parties agree to keep all terms of the settlement confidential, and further agree to the payment of damages in the event of a breach. Poignantly if not somewhat hypocritically, the ftm (female to male) Reddit references our earlier post about Dr. Crane as the source for information about his practice, and goes on to allege that his practice has been dropped from the Kaiser Permanente California health plan due to the amount of lawsuits against him: We were not able to confirm whether Dr. Crane is still a listed physician with Kaiser Permanente from that insurers site, but at least one additional source seems to confirm that he is not. Blog posts on the matter can be found here, here, and here. IMHO, the silence is partially due to not wanting to out transgender surgeries as dangerous (surgeons must to keep that lucrative wheel generously greased), and partially because FTMs (female-to-male transgender persons) just dont rate among the male-dominated transgender culture. Since 2012, Dr. Crane and his team have performed more than 600 Phalloplasty surgeries. It is definitely worth a read! A few points on your response. I wonder how this doctor is able to continue his practice if he maxed out his liability insurance. While there are those who will deny that fact, it has been covered up. Given that fact, the total financial cost of Ms gender journey is no doubt somewhere north of a million; the personal cost is, of course, incalculable. Interestingly, possibly due to potential statute of limitations restrictions, the plaintiff brought his complaint seeking damages for medical battery and promissory fraud, rather than medical malpractice. Phalloplasty in transgender men involves the creation of a penis using any one of a number of procedures; either a free flap or pedicled flap of skin, usually taken from the arm (radial forearm free-flap, RFF) or anterior lateral thigh (anterior lateral thigh pedicled flap phalloplasty, ALT). That sounds like a grim situation. I do hope things are going better for you now. Its scary, its something that many of us will never be able to bounce back from. Crane is AHmazing and Do I Regret Lower Surgery? for two recent examples) . No one else, other than a rare few, is willing to step up to the plate. dr crane phalloplasty lawsuit. The authors go on to feature the history of other such media-driven plagues. Fascinating and disturbing. Even though he ruined sacred parts of me even though he stole much of my trust in people or damaged my spirithe did not destroy me and I will do whatever it takes so that NO one has to go through what I and many others have gone through. what i am just coming to learn now is this major malpractice record. Its impossible to know. In addition to the above seven cases, an eighth case, Doe v. Crane, CGC-16-550630, has now been settled (as of June 2017). Dr. Crane is one of only a few surgeons in the world who is trained as both a plastic surgeon and urologist and has also completed fellowships in reconstructive urology and transgender surgery. Does that good experience nullify the remotest possibility that not everyones experience was so good? If your comment makes accusations against someone, please substantiate your allegations with source links. 2. Dr. Crane thus appears to be among the fraction of physicians who are extremely frequent targets for medical malpractice lawsuits. Theres a handful of surgeons who have decided (for whatever reasons) to focus on us and we know that we are all guinea pigs as they do their best efforts to hone their craft in a field where theres no text books or formal education. (plastic surgeon); Heidi Wittenberg, M.D. This surgery cures dysphoria and correct many mens bodies. Consider the case of Windell Boutee, the Georgia cosmetic surgeon who filmed herself in the operating theatre rapping while performing surgery, whose patients only stepped forward after one brave woman spoke out. Didnt know a surgeon in Canada is doing these. They all have slightly different techniques and they sometimes meet up to share ideas. I was wondering what was going on with these lawsuits. Gender dysphoria challenges the basic pretenses that the medical community assumes to understand about chromosomal influence on gender. Pingback: Former phalloplasty patient of Dr. Curtis Crane speaks out | 4thWaveNow. The authors also cover the Strawberry Virus in Portugal. It is helpful to have the case number (also called an index or docket number), although a search can also be performed using the persons name, so those are provided below. As though truth is a menace and honesty is to be ignored. However, plaintiff claims a week after phalloplasty, he suffered numerous complications and needed to undergo multiple revision surgeries to the correct the complications of the procedure. Thats pretty out there; not really ethical medical practice. 4. I couldn't believe he didn't interrupt me once! 2. And the parents go along with same, in the misguided name of being compassionate. This post updates the reader on the various lawsuits now pending against Dr. Crane, and also documents the peculiar silence with which these allegations have been greeted in the transgender community. I dont believe hes being uncaring or half-assed. Stan Monstrey is who did my phalloplasty with urinary hook up over in Gent, Belgium. 4thWaveNow contributor Worriedmom has practiced civil litigation for many years in federal and state courts. The fact that serious and careful due diligence has been completely removed from this process and that no cognizance whatsoever is taken of even a portion of these teens responding to the power of mass suggestions (and no one is permitted to even raise this) is cruel, grossly negligent, and unconscionable. Dr. Lee is skilled in surgically creating a penis for trauma victims, cancer patients, and transitioning female-to-male patients with designer flaps and phalloplasty. I think what hes doing is inherently unpredictable and incredibly risky and hes taking the lumps with the wins. A similar situation can be found in cosmetic surgery as a whole: there is still much stigma felt by people who seek out non trans related cosmetic surgery. It has come to our attention that Dr. Crane has been the defendant in no less than six lawsuits during the last year. The Crane Center has wasted no time in accessing potential new patients, sending attractive representatives to attend such conferences as Gender Odyssey in San Diego and the Philadelphia Trans Wellness Conference, and sponsoring art festivals and pride events. Im not speaking about something I dont know about, I had one with Dr. Crane. Trial is set for June 24, 2019. Jacob is an undeniably cute kid, the entire family is good-looking, relatable, and well-educated, and they certainly seem to care a great deal about Jacob, as well as Jacobs future well-being. Its really a tragedy for these poor victims of an ideology that promises to make your body fit to an image of yourself that you think is true. In 2014, M came under the care of Dr. Curtis Crane. People who have experienced transgender genital surgery recognize the deficiencies in the field and have called on WPATH to upgrade and change its standards: https://wpathopenletter.wordpress.com/2018/04/04/genital-surgery-open-letter/. A lack of reporting on this topic does not automatically equate with a lack of care. Thats it for our legal update, but for those of us who are interested in Dr. Crane and his business model, there have been some additional developments. San Francisco Superior Court case number CGC18571442, California falls behind on water storage as losses mount for businesses, residents, Lawsuit claims big sellers of sports bras, other athletic apparel violate Prop 65 by not warning of BPA, New California policy review aims to require more cities to build more 'affordable' housing, Adult film firm Strike 3 Holdings continues to mass-file copyright lawsuits, Cal/OSHAs Permanent COVID-19 Standard: What Employers Should Know About Californias Next Phase in COVID-19 Compliance on February 28, 2023, Class action accuses YouTube of misleading consumers about cancellation, auto renewal after free trial, Humboldt County faces class action from landowners over marijuana-related code enforcement using satellite pics. However, a large-scale study using data from the National Practitioner Data Bank also found that a tiny fraction of doctors (1%) accounts for almost one-third (32%) of paid medical claims. Carson v. Crane, CGC-17-556743 was dismissed October 10, 2018. Yet, one of the huge benefits to being young is that, by and large, a young person doesnt have to worry about chronic health problems. careful girls dont make a mistake dont operate with crane, Pingback: Update: Top San Francisco phalloplasty surgeon now with 8 malpractice suits | 4thWaveNow, Catching up with renowned phalloplasty surgeon, Dr. Curtis Crane, over 90% of all medical malpractice cases, the plaintiff cannot bring another lawsuit based on the same facts, According to the Crane Centers Facebook page, Former phalloplasty patient of Dr. Curtis Crane speaks out | 4thWaveNow, http://www.thetransgendertruth.wix.com/mysite, Update: Top San Francisco phalloplasty surgeon now with 8 malpractice suits | 4thWaveNow. A lot of us want certain surgeries but we hold back b/c the outcomes arent quite worth the risks for us, lawsuits or not. So many men experienced the complete opposite and have the body they seek to have. One might reasonably conclude, then, that all of these actions have been settled out of court. According to his attestation, Ms efforts to become a man began in late 2003 with a social transition. According to medical records, M was born in 1977, which made him 26 years old at the commencement of the transformation process. Part 1 is here. A lot of them are mens rights advocates who couldnt care less about the fact that bottom surgery for women is rarely successful. Phallo is for bottom feeding surgeons like Dr. Crane that arent good at anything to make a fortune. Any internet searches for brownsteincrane.com result in a re-direct to Crane Center for Transgender Surgery, a practice operating in California and Texas. https://cranects.com . The amount paid in settlement of such a claim is confidential virtually 100% of the time. Its not clear when Dr. Santucci joined Dr. Cranes practice, but he does not appear to have been part of the earlier Brownstein-Crane incarnation: Not to worry, though: Dr. Safir remains busy in San Francisco. Suicide or transition: The only options for gender dysphoric kids? He is represented by Nancy Hersh, Kate Hersh-Boyle and Montana Baker of Hersh & Hersh in San Francisco. Its full of uncertainty, worry about the future and decision-making, concern about ones place in the world. The entire penis was later removed, and the plaintiff was informed by another doctor that he never should have been considered for this surgery. What an unbelievably upsetting experience. There is no big trans-cover-up-conspiracy going on. This is a crucial distinction. You state that Dr. Cranes patients werent patient and didnt understand the complicated nature of these operations (BTW that is a hallmark of Dr. Cranes job to make sure his patients understand whats involved). A friend of mine is not a US resident and the above doctor did the surgery. The only ones he said were some infections which would be fixed up or strictures and fistulas in the urethra. The medical liability insurance carrier is, in most cases these days, the party that decides whether or not to settle a case, and this is a business decision on the carriers part. Can a phalloplasty be reversed at all? This wasnt Jacobs first time in the spotlight, either. If there is anything I have learned in this process and from this experience is I am resilient. Carson v. Crane, CGC-17-556743 was dismissed October 10, 2018. How do I contact the post writer? Many of the males who tend to run media outlets, whether LGBT, trans, or traditional, just dont see an important story in young womens genitalia being butchered by an incompetent surgeon. To suggest that the medical malpractice system is merely some kind of adjunct health insurance is, in a word, facetious. The filing also stated that, because of the surgeries he had undergone, M had to assume a new job for which he was paid 50% less, and was then living paycheck to paycheck.. All eight of the malpractice cases that had previously been pending in the San Francisco Superior Court have now been dismissed with prejudice (read on to understand the meaning of with prejudice in the settlement context, since this doesnt mean what some folks may assume it does). A metoidioplasty is a surgical procedure that uses clitoral tissue that has been enlarged through testosterone use to form a neophallus. Trial is set for February 19, 2019. Due to transgender PR there are no longer any lesbians, other than themselves, so young dykes are being brainwashed into thinking they are men and must transition. The reports triggered a wave of mass hysteria across the country. Apparently, the cartoon had a lights flashing sequence that doctors said, in theory, could make a tiny fraction of children, with certain nervous system syndromes, possibly react with seizures. Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy are taking their show on the road in this new miniseries! I am skeptical of ppl saying they had a fantastic phalloplasty. I know this sounds like sort of an obvious comment, but if there were some operation that could give the patient a larger, fully-functioning penis, it would have been available to men a LONG time ago. I do feel sorry for these men though, please dont mistake that I dont. Meaning, anyone is shit out of luck. I dont like some of the language in the comments. In and of itself, this is not surprising. (Of course, the allegations contained in the complaints detailed herein, until either admitted, or tested and proven in a court of law, remain just that allegations). This time, a popular teen soap opera in Portugal had a character that made up and/or referred to a strawberry virus, but teen viewers of the show took it seriously, and 300 children from different school in different areas across the country suddenly fell ill from a disease that did not exist. That is mostly reserved for older folks like me, who have a lifetime of bad health decisions that are just now catching up to them. Jacobs mother, Mimi, has already written her memoir chronicling the familys journey. Literally.. that is it. Dr. Curtis Crane is a board-certified plastic surgeon who is one of the top experts in Metoidioplasty in the United States. My fianc can't even fit her hand around it and has screaming orgasms now. Remember Coy Mathis brave fight to use the little girls room at age six? For the love of whatever we must treat each other with kindness and love .this scenario is about nothing but greed . I had many, MANY complications and to be honest, I wouldnt wish this on any enemy ever. I suggest that if youre interested, you should go back and check to see how many cases he has in CA and in TX. A person may wish to pursue this type of penis surgery for many reasons. What is the story behind Dr. Cranes relocation to Texas? I am ontrack to be scheduled with crane and now i am strongly reconsidering my choice of surgeon. Kendra, Im really sorry that this happened to you and your husband. It is astounding that no other outlet is covering this no LBGT media outlet, no transgender media outlet, no national or even local outlet. Most commonly, this inpatient surgery is performed in transgender men or non-binary people as a type of gender-affirming surgery. Specifically, M alleges that when M complained to Dr. Crane that vaginectomy and scrotoplasty were listed on Ms informed consent document, when those operations were not supposed to be performed, Dr. Crane reassured M that they were listed on the document either as a typo or for billing purposes [emphasis added]. God bless you and yours. So, its important to understand: When dismissal with prejudice is entered as part of a settlement, it does not indicate that anyone has ruled on the merits of the case. What does this mean? San Francisco phalloplasty surgeon, Curtis Crane, M.D., continues his odyssey through the San Francisco court system. In any other context, we would have compassion for the victims, and not tie ourselves into knots attempting to justify or explain away the injury. 9 known men had horrible circumstances but the amount of men with success exceeds those tenfold. 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